| chapter 2

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I'm currently on a train, (FOR FIVE HOURS) so bare with me on any spelling errors :))


Castiel's POV

       Being two weeks into the new school system seemed like a basic routine now. Waking up at irregular hours, Gabe driving me to school — talking the entire time nonetheless — and Charlie at my side. I knew she knew I didn't need her assistance anymore, but the fact that she still stuck by me, well it wasn't something I was used too. But to say the least I enjoyed every minute with her. It was nice to finally have a group of friends (or maybe misfits is a more fitting name) that seemed to like me for me. In the end though, it was something special to me, that I could fit so easily with these unique people. I felt as if I finally belonged

       Sitting in my english class, barley even listening to my teacher — Mr. Holland — going on about creative writing, I found myself looking out the window. The mystery boy still hadn't shown his face since the first day of school, and it annoyed me as I felt as if someone was always watching me. Creepy indeed. It might've just been me being paranoid, and maybe my eyes were just playing tricks on me with the shadows — but I still found myself curious as to who he was. I just let out a soft sighed, as I let my eyes travel across the city view.

This city was very different to my hometown. Instead of a direct view of a suburban neighbourhood, or trees lacing the schools property, I was met a lively city. The roads always busy — always filled with more cars than I could count — and horns, sirens. It was interesting to hear a city so alive in its own way. I will admit, the adjustment to this New York school was quite different from my previous homes, but a part of me felt like a kid in a candy shop. I don't know if it was the aesthetic of the city, or just the reminder that I was living in one of the biggest tourist attractions. I think it even was one of the founding locations, for the 'New World' and just to be here, centuries away, well the inner-historian in me was somewhat freaking out.

Startling me out of my thoughts, I felt Charlie tap my shoulder, her permanent smile growing bigger by the second. "Cassie!" She whispered to me. "Did you hear? Ash is having a party tonight at his place," I just shook my head, with a slight frown, "well, you better be coming." She said as she tried her hardest to give me a stern look without (of course) smiling.

"I take it I don't really have much of a choice on this one." I scoffed, smiling down at her. "Nope." She replied, popping the 'p'.

I couldn't help but ask. "Since when did Miss Bradbury go to parties? I mean is there going to be alcohol?" I feigned a gasp. She just giggled as she nodded her head. "Well you know me," she smirked, "I'm always down for a good part-eh." She just winked at me and we both laughed quietly. It was moments like these that made me realize how much I liked Charlie.

      The rest of the class just continued on, as I waited impatiently for it to be over. I had never been to a party — especially one with alcohol — so being excited for it was pretty much an understatement.

"Castiel?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at my teacher who just had a soft smile, awaiting an answer. "Oh, sorry," I mumbled as I blinked quickly, trying to remember what he asked, "do you mind repeating it?"

Mr. Holland just scoffed. "I was asking if you have a topic yet for your short story?"

      "Yeah, I've got some ideas." Was all I mumbled in response. I heard some guy snicker in the background and I had a feeling it was that weird kid with the transformer name. Now that I recalled, he always went on about "loving a good story". He just gave me the chills.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2019 ⏰

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