Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

Damon's POV

I needed a break from 'Thing One' and 'Thing Two'. I couldn't handle all the self-righteousness going on in that house.

"What can I get ya?" A cute little bartender asked me. I glanced up at her and gave her my signature smirk.

"A tall glass of you would be nice." I compelled her. She just blushed and pushed some her golden hair behind her left ear. "Follow me." She came around the bar and followed to back of the Grill. I pushed her against the wall and compelled her once again.

"You won't scream, don't run. This isn't going to hurt." I said just before I plunged my fangs into her soft neck. As I was draining her dry, I could slightly smell a familiar perfume that had long since left my senses. It was Arielle's scent, but where the hell was it coming from? The only thing I should be able to smell right now, and the only thing that should be enticing me, is this girl's blood. I pulled my fangs from her neck and looked at her, but jumped back in shock. Her face had morphed into Arielle's.

"A-Arie?" I stuttered. Her eyes were droopy and her skin pale, but still to see her face gave me reassurance. "Is it you?" I reached out to touch her face when it suddenly turned back into the bartender. I let her fall to the ground, barely conscious, and just left. I couldn't take it, everything I did or said reminded me of her!

"Damon?" I heard a voice call out behind me. I turned to see Elena standing there with the wonder-witch herself, Bonnie. Joy. Just what I needed the one who tries to keep me in check and the witch who's trying to help me get the girl.

"Damon, I think I found something that can help you." Bonnie calmly stated. My heart skipped a beat when those words escaped her mouth.


"I can bring her back, Damon. It's going to take a little help though." She smiled at me. I was starting to love this witchy-woo stuff.

"Don't play me like this Bon-Bon." I threatened.

"Typical Damon. Threatening the one person who is actually trying to help you." I rushed towards her and quickly hugged her. I could feel her tense from the sudden embrace, but I didn't question it.

"Uh, right. Let's get this going." I said awkwardly letting Bonnie go. The girls looked at each other and then giggled.

Back at the house, we all piled into my room once again and surrounded the bed.

"What kind of help do you need Bonnie?" Elena asked as she stood next to Stefan across from me.

"I need to somehow let Arielle know that she has to push from the other side as I pull. That's the only way this is going to work." She explained.

"I can do it." I sounded. They snapped their heads towards me in surprise.

"What? How?" Stefan asked.

"I can still enter her head somehow. I've done it before." He nodded and then motioned for me to try it again. Grasping her hand, I closed my eyes and tried to dive back into her mind. There seemed to be a block that had formed a little bit in the past day. I still pushed my through it, but I know that this visit will have to be short and sweet.

Arielle's POV

Sitting with my mother, I felt just a little resentment towards everything. I had no hope for anything right now because I was losing it being stuck here.

"Arielle?" I heard my mom say my name. Glancing up, I saw that she wasn't even looking at me, but at something behind me.

"Wha-" I stopped abruptly seeing who had entered our research project.

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