How Mabel (you) Gots herself in Middle Earth

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It was a nightime already and a birthday party was held among the family members of Bender's. They were celebrating their youngest family member birthday that is Mabel Acelyn Bender. She is reaching her fifteen years old birthday at this time. You see, Mabel means loveable and Acelyn means beautiful one.This name reflects her character very well.That sweet,innocent,happy-go-lucky and loveable girl was in thrill when she saw her mom and dad brought her chocolate cake in front of her.Her other 5 elder siblings,in laws,nieces and nephews with her eighty years old grandfather were there to celebrate with her as well. She smiled to all of them as they sing 'Happy birthday' merrily.As they finished their song,they told her to make a wish. She closed her beautiful purpelish eyelids and opens them and blows the candles atop of her cake.

Yeah!! Happy Birthday Mabel Acelyn!

Thanks,Miranda,Marilyn,Mom and dad and everyone! Though it's just between us Bender's but I couldn't ask more for this.You're the best.Thanks everyone once again.This is indeedly a sweet fifteen birthday   from my sweet family!

Well,today we had a sweet girl who just got fifteen.Our baby sister, Mabel Acelyn is growing is'nt she,Mark and Morgan?

She is Matt.Look at her,even at the day I was married I still can't keep out my mischievous side of teasing her!(Pinching Mabel's cheek)

Stop it,Mark! You still act like a kiddo though you're married and had one baby!

Is it wrong for me to tease my baby sister?

Baby? Mark, I'm fifteen.

You're still the little once to us,Mabel.

You're brother is right there,Ace.Having six kids with the last one who is sweet,it's like a blessing to me.Me and Your mom were glad to have you.

And we are glad to have a baby sitter like you to tease on! Naaah!! Kidding, we love,Mabel.

(Laughs) I love you too,guys.You're the best siblings I could ever had.

And I am happy to had a granddaughter who is sweet and very much look alike her grandmother.(Winks)

Thanks,Grandpa.I am happy to be Mabel Acelyn Bender!

Okey! Present time! Start from mom and dad!

Miranda,the oldest daughter and the second child points at their parents as they were holding a big box of gift.One by one of the family members had different gifts for her.Her parents give her a necklace with a big love in the middle.It is written 'Our Love' in the middle.Mabel wears it immedietly.Then,her big brother.Matt,Miranda,Mark,Morgan,Marilyn.Her elders siblings had different gifts for her.She unwrapped their presents and she wears some of them right after she saw it.As an example,Mark gave her a silver bracelet with bells and butterflies around it.Miranda's cute furry coat.She wears them on the spot.Then,it's her grandpa's turn to give her a gift.It was a small box.

Have you ever thought of fairy tales?

You know I always do Grandpa.You used to tell me about it.And til now,I still do.

When you open this box,it will lead you to an unimaginable place.This is my birthday gift.


As all her family members went to their kitchen for turkey,she opens the box and to her dissapointment the box was empty.She raised her eyebrows and muttered to herself that she still believed in fairytales.Just then,someone pressed a doorbell of their house.


She went to the door as she placed her box on the desk.She opens the door but,there was no one there.She pokes her head out.Suddenly,there was a lights sparkling at the middle of the street in front of their house.Enticed by the sparkling lights,she run towards it in the middle of the streets.Surrounded by the sparkling light,she was in awe.

Mabel!! Mabel!!!

Her awe was vanished when there was a big flash of white light that came out of nowhere.She frozed as her eyes widened.Everything fade in white.

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