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A/N: This happened today and I loved it so much~ I hope you like it too~ that's an actual picture that my friend (Leo2) took btw

It was an a day like usual and Leo (me) was spending time with her boyfriend, Sagittarius after school. But the thing is, Leo had to go to tennis practice with Aqua and Leo2, so she told Sag to come with, and he agreed. But as soon as they all got there, the weather began to grow gloomy and the sky was filled with thunder and lightning (it was actually just a little), so tennis was cancelled. So all of them left and went under the outside stairs of S building. Then, it started to rain like crazy, and then it actually began to hail. Aqua and Leo2, being the lovable idiots that they are, went out and walked in the rain, even though Sag and Leo told them not to. But they wouldn't listen and Leo's parents were coming, so Sag and Leo decided to leave. They told Aqua and Leo2 that they were going and they waved bye. They went through the back of S building towards the parking lot, only to find that Leo's parents weren't there. Plus, on the way there, the hail was coming down hard from the left, the side that Leo was on. She was thinking to herself, 'why isn't Sag going on this side? I wish he would. It would be so cute like in the dramas.' Then, after Leo endured most of the pain, Sag FINALLY went on the left side and started taking the blows. Leo was thrilled at this and as they were nearing the front, the place where Leo's dad was actually going to, Sag realized he had an umbrella. 'This idiot,' thought Leo. But Sag got the umbrella out, but since it was also windy, it was of no use. It just flew with the wind and didn't protect us at all. But then, we finally reached the front and IT STOPPED HAILING! Why did nature have to be so cruel?! Making Leo and Sag walk out in the worst weather possible, and then when they finally get to a point where they'd be safe, the hail stops! If only they'd waited with Aqua and Leo2. They probably wouldn't of had to go through that terrible pain. But oh well, it was obviously too late. So then Leo's dad came after like 5 minutes and they took Sag home. All was well and Leo still thought that it was the sweetest thing that Sag had protected her from the hail, even if he was a little late. Like honestly, Leo had endured most of the pain by the time Sag had finally decided to be her shield. But either way, he still did eventually and it was a perfect day.

A/N: I forgot to add this in there, but Leo (me) didn't even have a sweater on and Sag (my boyfriend) did. He didn't even give it to me, he just wore it himself. *cries* Either way, today was awesome!

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