From: Sundance

We're outside the building. We'll be up in two minutes. Get ready pancakes.

She rolled her eyes at her nickname from Lucas since eight grade. But right now that was the least of her problems. Farkle and cowboy #2 weren't even here yet! They were dead when Maya saw them the next time. "Everyone hide! Riles is coming up!"

Maya ran to hide behind the coat rack in the Matthews's living room. She heard the door slowly begin to open and a pregnant seven month Riley walking in with Lucas trailing behind. Maya ran out from her spot toward her best friend. "Surprise! This is for you Riles!"

Riley stumbled backward slightly at the sudden appearance of her friends yelling surprise at her. She was caught by Lucas so she wouldn't fall. "Maya! This is amazing! I love it! Your the best sister I could ask for!"

The baby shower was a hit. It turned out Zay and Farkle dropped Riley's baby shower cake after arguing on who was going to carry the cake in the car. The boys had to go back and buy another cake already made in the bakery. Riley wasn't mad at the accident but Maya was another story. If looks could kill, Farkle and Zay wouldn't be alive.




Riley climbed out of her boyfriend's car ready to get inside and relax without being confined to a hospital room. Riley grabbed her daughter's bag and waited for Lucas to grab Bella's car seat. Cory and Topanga had decided to go buy some food for the family and had taken Lucas' car with them. They slowly and carefully made their way inside the quiet apartment. Which was weird considering that Maya, Farkle, and Auggie were here. As they proceed to Riley's room, well now Riley and Bella's room. The room would be where Lucas would also be staying when he would stay over at the Matthews. Both families had come to the agreement that Lucas, Riley and Bella would be spending significant time at both the Matthews and Friar household. They would alternate at each household every three weeks until the couple could find a small place of their own. As they approached the door to the room, Riley could hear the arguing of her best friends and brother.

"All I'm saying is that the crib should be on the right side of the room so she's in the middle of Riles and the bay window", Maya argued with the two boys in front of her.

"But that's not safe", Auggie frustratingly said. "Closer to the window equals close her to danger."

"You sound just like Cory", Maya laughed with an eye roll. " Mini Cory, just agree with me already."

"But what if Bella is at higher risk of danger by being closer to the window", Farkle questioned the blonde standing in front of him.

"Oh please", Maya sighed with frustration.

"I think th-", Lucas spoke before being abruptly cut off by Maya.

Maya was too distracted to notice that it was Lucas attempting to voice his opinion. "You think nothing. Wait...You guys are finally here!"

Maya eagerly ran towards Riley and embraced her in a very tight hug. "Be careful Peaches. I'm still in a bit of pain. And whatever Maya says about the crib, I agree with her."

"I'm sorry little plant. I'm just so happy your'e finally out of that hospital", Maya laughed sheepishly.

Lucas walked away from the girls and allowed them to catch up on their own. He set his daughter in her car seat on the bed and proceeded to help Farkle move the crib to where both Riley and Maya wanted it. Auggie eagerly accepted the task of sitting with Bella will the boys moved the crib and the girls finished fixing Bella's clothes. "Zay called me today. He said he's excited to get back already from his early college tour."

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