Teen Titans and Teen Titans Go!

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Fangirls: OMG there's a new Teen Titans show!! *watches*
Robin TTG- is a psycho, a stalker, obsessive compulsive, strict, control freak
Robin TT- is a great role model, a good leader, is okay if he's not in control, sane
Starfire TTG- is not in love with Robin, is too clueless, isn't naive
Starfire TT- is in love with Robin, knows enough about Earth, naive
Raven TTG- has and shows feelings for Beast Boy, has no feelings for Aqualad, smiles, socializes easily, too fun, does not have a brother-sister connection with Robin
Raven TT- silent, shows no feeling for Beast Boy, has feelings for Aqualad, sociopath, does not smile, has a brother-sister connection with Robin
Beast Boy TTG- weirder version
  Beast Boy TT- sane
  Cyborg TTG- too hyper, too sassy, doesn't know how to be serious, can't stop being happy
  Cyborg TT- knows when the time is right for everything
Fangirls: f*€k my life! Da hell! Beast boy isn't like that. Why can Raven smile?! Where is the moral of the show?! OMG why did they do such thing to a promising and successful show?!
~~~~~At school~~~~~
FangirlsTTG: OMG did you see the new teen titans?
Fangirls: yeah
FangirlsTTG: it's so cool and funny. It's better than that old lame show, no one needs to know morals that we already know. It isn't violent!
Fangirls: dafuq did u say?! Say it again I dare ya, I double dare ya! *grabs a knife and gun* Slade is the best villain and Rose was never in the original! She's like Slade's daughter and he's not there! This is a DISGRACE to mankind!!!!! Shun!
FangirlsTTG: the show is meaningless! Let's settle this! WAFFLES!!! *bunch of people come*
Sally: I heard waffles!
Me (Fangirl of the original): gtfo Sally or I'm gonna destroy all the waffles!
FangirlsTTG: you gonna fight? You and what army!
Fangirls: AZARATH METHRION ZINTHOS!!!!!! *1,897,426 people come armed with birdarangs, sonic blasters, starbolts, rocks, and energy blasts*

Fangirl ProblemsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora