On the way my foot met someone's knee making me face first under her table. A drink had met my reer end where I was uncomfortably wet. I stood up dusting off my jeans seeing Sydney trying to stifle a laugh.

"Are we always going to greet eachother on the floor?" She grimaced widely scooting farther into the booth leaving me some room to sit.

"Apparently," I chuckled scratching at the back of my neck.

"As long as I don't get alcohol spilled on my dress in the process, I'll be happy to pursue our little experiment." Sydney jeered taking a sip of her drink. I gave her a smile back nodding. I looked her up and down seeing she wasn't wrong about the dress. A slimmer red cocktail dress hugged her fit body with a pair of black pumps.

"It would be ashame to ruin such a nice dress of yours,"

3 slaps on that one.

What the hell was that Niall? A nice dress? I mentally face palmed about 10 times as I saw her friend chuckle lightly next to her.

"I'll leave you two alone." She quietly excused herself joining Abbey & Kailey at the bar. I scooted on the opposite side of Sydney so I was sitting directly across from her.

"Thanks for the gesture," She giggled lightly her cheeks turning a light pink. It was cute to see her blush, it was different too. From first impression she seemed like a strong, independent girl who wouldn't let a guy walk all over her.

*Sydney's P.O.V*

"Did you really just make a sandwhich in the middle of math class?" I inquired cackling heavily in between sips of my alcohol.

"Damn lady gave me a detention for it too!" He added another laugh.

"I wonder why,"

"I was just hungry," He defended his voice meeting a high pitched tone.

"So, Sydney." Niall said folding his fingers together. Kailey and Amanda were well over drunk hanging over the bar still as Abbey tried to squeeze her way into Harry and Louis's conversation. It was funny to watch her attempt at something so blatantly impossible. She was so oblivious to the fact Harry wanted nothing to do with her. He was just trying to be nice to her now. I respect him for that, even after all she's done to guys and me for that matter. If someone hurt my friend I wouldn't be afraid to break a nail.

Note the pun.

"So Niall," I replied back biting at my lip.

"What do you do when your not fabulously strutting around these high end bars?" He inquired simply. We hadn't really gotten into personal questions about me. He told me about X-Factor, the fact that Harry seemed to be a manwhore but really was nice guy, and how tour life was. It was really cool to be so close yet so natural with someone that lived the life of someone like daft punk or the lumineers. They were basically my idols, I couldn't imagine ever meeting them for one thing.

"What every girl does, shop, eat, and sleep." I responded with a sarcastic girly tone in my voice. I flicked my hair back over my shoulder giving him a wink and beating my eyelashes at him. He gave me a cheeky grin, seeing his white smile made even my heart skip a beat. Again, I would be lieing if I said he wasn't attractive. "Besides that, I work at the local aqarium scooping penguin poop."

"What a highclass occupation," Niall chuckled.

"Trust me, its not the first time I've heard that."

"I can imagine," He wouldn't stop grinning. He never lost eye contact with me making me realize how soft blue eyes he had. The were like topaz emeralds, a clear blue that was in between glassy and solid. They were so indifferent from my blue ones.

"You know you have really pretty eyes," Niall gushed leaning his hand against his hand.

"Oh," I blushed feeling strong heat fill my cheeks. "Thank you, Niall."


"SYDNEY," I heard a whiney voice across from the club gripe. My head darted towards the voice seeing it was Abbey with Amanda draped over her shoulder. She looked damn angry, I guess she wasn't used to being the one to haul around the friend seeing the other girls flirting with said attractive boys.

"The Queen calls for your arrival," Niall chuckled. I gave him a weak smile grasping onto my clutch before scooting out of the booth. "Wait, Syd?"

"Hm?" I hummed twisting my head to see him. He had his phone whipped out and all of the sudden that confident boy had been hidden. Red, blushed cheeks replaced it as he handed me his phone. "Its about time," I winked. He gave me another nervous laugh as I typed away at his phone.

"Thanks," He articulated as I gave him a light wave. I almost ran into a heaving Abbey as she dropped a limp Amanda onto the floor.

"You take care of her," She spat coldly.

"Don't break a nail," I giggled as she stomped away. I tried hulling Amanda onto my shoulder similar to what Abbey did. I have to give her credit, I couldn't get her onto my shoulder. I dropped her several times until I heard another voice appear behind me.

"Need some assistance?" I nodded at the blonde boy as he picked her up effortlessly bridal style.

"Of course you can do that," I mumbled under my breath. We walked down the side walk in silence as we approached his car.

"May I give you a ride this time?" The last two words he pronounced made me feel a bit guilty about my rejection earlier.

"I guess I don't really have a choice," I sighed sarcastically. I helped him lug Amanda into the back seats tying what seat belt we could around her waist. Niall looked at her unsure and buckled another one. I slipped into the shot gun watching him walk all the way around to his side. He started the car pulling out with great speed as we drove down the street.

"Niall, slow down!" I almost yelped seeing Amanda jumble around in the back. Her mouth lay half agape as light snores left her mouth. I didn't know how she slept through all that tossing and turning.

"It's no fun if you don't have a need for speed," He smirked glancing quickly over at me. Before I knew it we were at my apartment. I guess Amanda could stay over at mine for the night. Niall helped me hull her all the way up to mine where she woke up on our kitchen floor.

"Oh now she wakes up," I slam my hands on my thighs groaning. Niall patted my back awkwardly as I watched my friend throw up her guts on the floor. I was quick to hold back her hair as Niall rubbed her spine calming her down.

When she was done and settled on the couch I exhaled deeply running my hands under some cold water splashing at my face. My dress was itching at my skin and I could feel the awkward presence of Niall behind me.

"Who's going to clean it up," Niall said basically suggesting my volunteer.

"Be my guest," I motioned towards the vile substance crawling on my tile floor. "I'm going to go change, you can leave if you want or clean it up. Your choice," I shrugged disapearing into my bedroom. I rid my clothing pulling on sweatpants and a sound garden t-shirt heading back into the kitchen. The floor was clean and Niall was sipping at a glass of water on the counter.

"We make a good team," I cooed giving him a high five. He chuckled jumping off the counter top.

"You're cleaning it next time," He griped.

"I hope there won't be a next time,"

"Never say never," He shrugged.

"Okay, Justin Beiber. I'll see you around, alright?"

"Alright, Syd. Sleep well."

"You too," I gave him a quick friendly hug before heading back into my bedroom. I had multiple complaints from Kailey asking where the blonde one and Amanda had gone. I deleted the messages sliding underneath my covers and shutting my eyes already ready for the incorrible head ache I would attain tomorrow.

But somehow the pounding in my temple was calmed with the thoughts of that one blonde boy.

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