Chapter 9: "You shouldn't be walking around half naked!"

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A/N: Hi guys, important notice at the end so make sure you read it  :) Enjoy x


I woke up for the first time in my new room. It felt good to be able to wake up in a room that I knew was mine now. No more moving from hotel to hotel for me. I was reminded of Oliver and how alone he must be feeling. I mean, at least I had room mates, even if they were of the cocky mate variety. He had noone. Thinking about him sitting alone, lost and depressed broke my heart and I made a vow that I would phone him later tonight to check on him.

After lying awake for a little bit, my eyes face-up to the biege ceiling, I finally decided to make a move. I'd  have to go searching for Lola soon . The Fresher's fair event started at 10 am and it was already 9am. I couldn't put off getting up anymore, and the light shining through my half-open curtains was starting to blind me. When I looked away from the window and closed my eyes, little swirls of light clouded my vision.

I dragged my big arse out of bed and quickly collected my toiletry bag together. Before I unlocked my room and braved the living room, I quickly grabbed my sunglasses. People were going to seriously start questioning my sanity sometime soon.

Still donning my pajamas, I unlocked the door and posted my fresh face into the corridor. I kept my body safely concealed inside my room and my hand on the door knob, ready to slam it shut at any  moment. I saw that the coast was clear, just a bare kitchen with a few of the empty pizza boxes left over from the day before. When I'd finally convinced myself that I wasn't about to be seen in my bleary-eyed, messy haired state, I stepped out and quietly shut my door behind me.

Once out in the corridor, the eerie silence of a sleeping flat hit me. The cool breeze from the open window swirled around my feet and sent goosbumps up my leg. Before I froze to death, I raced bare footed across living room towards the communal bathroom. The combination of my sunglasses and my sneaky, mission impossible style manouvres must have made me look like something out of a freaking crappy action movie.

As soon as I locked the door behind me, I thanked my lucky stars that Lucas hadn't been lying in wait for me. I swear, I couldn't relax!

I peeled my clothes off and stepped into the shower, turning it on and letting the warm water run down my body, easing all the tension in my knotted muscles. 

After I'd finished washing, I grabbed my towel and stepped out from behind the curtain. The moisture from the shower was dripping down the white tiles as I searched for my clothes.

Damn! I'd only brought the pajamas I'd worn on the way.  When I looked around for them, I found them lying in a sopping wet pile on the cool tile floor. I'd obviously sprayed them with water as I had my shower. What was I going to do now?

My only option was to try and sneak across the hall in my towel. I just hoped that everyone was as deep in slumber as they were before. Otherwise this situation could get very awkward, very quickly. 

I clutched my towel around my body, making sure that I was covered up. There was no way anyone was going to see anything they shouldn't. This was so embarassing.

Once again, I poked my head out of the steamy, warm, room and into the corridor. Silence. Perfect. 

I quickly scooped my wet clothes from the bathroom floor and made my way out, turning off the light and quietly shutting the door behind me. I swept my dripping hair across my shoulder and tiptoed down the grey corridor, towards the living room. I reached the entrance, I could see my door from across the room!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2013 ⏰

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