Chapter 8: "Don't ever call me sweetcheeks again"

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A/N: So here's the new chapter guys! I hope you like it and don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT if you think it's deserves it :D Happy reading...

(The lovely Lola on the right)


Ophelia's POV

I lay on my bed for the second time today. What the hell had happened this past couple of hours? How did my day change from one of complete and utter excitement to one of horror and dread?

After a few minutes of deep breathing and relaxation techniques, my closed eyes fluttered open at the sound of my phone beeping. I dug it out from my bag so I could read the text. Before even looking at my small phone, I knew it was Olly; I had noone else to text.

How are you settling in? I hope you haven't broken any bones yet.

I chuckled under my breath. He though it was a joke, little did he know I'd done something much, much worse than breaking a bone. To Oliver, the idea of me finding a mate was completely repulsive. After what happened with him and Poppy, he's extremely distrustful of the whole idea and he's dreading me getting hurt. That was one of the only reasons he actually let me come to medical school. He thought that by being surrounded by humans, there would be no way to find him. His plan had obviously fallen flat on its face and I wanted to laugh at the irony. That is, if I wasn't in such a crap mood.

Fine thanks. Nope, all my limbs are still in tact thanks.

I quickly typed my reply. There was no point in telling him about my little revelation. I could completely handle it, by the time he came to visit in a few weeks, the situation would be under control. I knew that if I mentioned it now, he'd turn around in his car and come back and get me, and there was no way that was happening.

I knew that the boy on the other side of the door would probably still be recovering from the force of my kick. The image of the myserious, dark haired figure, hobbling in pain after his cocky words brought a rare smile to my face.

I was pretty impressed with the way I'd managed to avoid looking at his face as well. As my head had leant against my door only five minutes earlier, I'd been so tempted to turn to look into his eyes. My wolf shouting at me in the back of my mind hadn't helped either. I only had the veil of hair that I'd been growing for years to thank. Thank God I wasn't the sort of girl to actually care about getting her haircut often!

After all of today's events, I was so tired. What, with visiting one of the most powerful Alphas in the country, completing a long road trip, moving into my halls, meeting my mate, sneaking out of a window and then kneeing said mate where the sun don't shine. All in all, a pretty eventful day. 

I felt my eyelids start to droop, and my mouth stretched in a long O shape as I yawned. I laid my head back on the pillow and decided that I'd take a small nap before planning my next move.



I jumped out of my skin at the loud banging on the door. I rolled over, in a state of bleary eyed, post wake up grogginess, completely forgetting how small my bed was. I toppled off the edge, desperately clutching at the sheet as if it would somehow save me. 

Needless to say, it didn't. I landed on my bum with a crash as a few swear words tumbled out of my dry lips. Damn that hurt.

KNOCK KNOCK. Oops, in the midst of whining about my bruised behind, i'd completely forgotten about the source of my rude awakening.

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