Love?~ Murasakibara Atushi

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A Murasakibara Atsushi oneshot.

It was lunchtime and I was seated near a tree at Yosen. My eyes sparkled as soon as I saw a packet of maiubu in my lunchbag. I immediately snatched it out and ripping it open.

I devoured the treat in less than ten seconds. Wiping the crumbs off my mouth I proceeded to eat my bento in joy.

After finishing my lunch, I heard the bell ring.I groaned, slowly taking my time to get up. Hmm, time to go to music then.

A few moments later I arrived in the music room a few minutes late.

"Y/N you need to get to class on time," She scolded give me a scowl. I just smiled and walked over to my seat. I plopped down and began to stare at the teacher while she was giving instructions. "Okay everyone, you may have free time," she spoke out.

Immediately I ran over to the piano and began to play Reflection or Mirror Night by VK. I was so immersed into the song that I didn't even notice that the other students were gathering around me. I really love this song, since it reminds of sad love.

"That was so cool Y/N! Can you teach me?" a random student from the back requested.

"Eh, maybe later," I said. I stood up and then proceeded to walk out of the door. The period was free so I could roam around. I decided to jog around the school.

I heard basketballs thumping the ground as I ran past the gym. Deciding to take a break, I slowed down and walked over to the gym doors. Peering inside curiously, I saw my crush, Murasakibara Atsushi, dunking without much effort. I was amazed at how tall he was and how he could see over his opponents. Man, I wish I was tall enough to look down at people. I'm like 5" 7.

"Oi, what're you doing here?" a voiced called out breaking my chain of thought. I looked infront of me only to see Murasakibara staring at me in the face. Really. Really. Closely. My face began to heat up as I took a step back with my hands up in defence. He frowned, grabbing and pulling me to somewhere private.

"What is it?" he repeated again. Maybe this is my time to confess.

"Uhhh, I l-like you," I stuttered out. Murasakibara clicked his tongue and looked away.

"Tch, I don't like you," he said harshly. My heart began to break. No Y/N stay strong!

"O-oh that's okay," I said void of emotion, so that he doesn't know that it hurts. "I just wanted to tell you that's all." I began walking away.

Before I could walk a meter away, I was suddenly pulled back into strong arms.

"Let me finish, I don't like you, I love you," he mumbled into my hair. I blushed fifty shades of rouge and turned around pulling me away from his embrace.

"So do that mean..." I trailed off looking to the side avoiding his gaze.

"Do I have to spell if for you? Y-E-S," he said annoyed that I was being vapid.

Later when Murasakibara finished his basketball practice, he walked me home. On the way, I saw some people doing a free mini concert. It was very crowded, but it was a very good band so I wanted to stay and listen. I ended up trying to jump up and see the band. Mura-kun, (A/N; Sorry I got tired of typing his full last name .u.) seeing how frustrated I was, he grabbed me and set me in his shoulders. At first I was surprised, but then relaxed knowing it was Mura-kun.

The concert ended and I ended up staying on his back.


Next Up:Akashi Seijuro Oneshot.

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