Chapter 10-What's A Mate

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-Third Persons P.O.V-

Scott started feeling funny, whenever he was at school he'd get this sharp pull in his stomach, like he should be somewhere or with someone.

He tried to ignore it, but soon enough others noticed.

He thought it was just the fact the full moon was that night, but he knew that wasn't what it was.

Scott started to look through books on werewolfs, googling his symptoms.

There's was nothing, until he found one page. A page on something directly connected to werewolves and how he was feeling.

"Derek whats a mate?"

Derek looked at the other Alpha weirdly.

"Why do you want to know?"

"I just do."

Derek sighed.

"A mate is usually a werewolfs soulmate. They've been connected since birth. Most werewolves have a mate, but not many find them."

"A mate can be any kind of creature, human, others werewolf, witch, any sort of living being that can be bonded to another living creature. When they bond, they're more powerful and feel better, like nothing can stop them. They make each other stronger, and if a mated wolf is in a pack, it will make the pack stronger in turn. A wolf will know when they find their mate, they'll get this stomach clenching feeling. And they'll smell their mate's scent. It'll be something simple they'll smell."

"But a werewolf can't accept their mate or pursue a mate until the werewolf has accepted its wolf side, if it doesn't, it will stay mateless until then. Always having the gut renching feeling that something is missing from them."

Scott went pale and thanked Derek, running back to his house.

So he had a mate, and they went to his school, now, should he find them or not?

He wouldn't have a choice, his wolf would take over and claim their mate if he tried to fight it.

Scott sighed and fell asleep, hoping tonight wouldn't be hell.

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