"Alright I know there's something wrong. You can trust me." Kelsey gave me a reassuring smile. I took a big breath and told her what happened with me and Harry and then with Nathan. All the time Kelsey was listening and nodding in understand meant. After I was done

"Josie I promise you Nathan isn't like that. Harry's a prick, I can't believe he'd do that to you. But Nathan is a really nice, sweet guy he wouldn't dream of hurting you. And I understand if you're afraid of saying I love you. Take your time and explain to him I'm sure he'll understand you." Kelsey gave me a hug. I thanked her and continued shopping.

"You told her?" Maiken asked shocked. No one knew about the whole Harry thing except for her and Nathan and now Kelsey knows. I nodded and she gave me a smile. After several hours of trying to find the perfect outfit for tomorrow's gig we finally were done.

Kelsey got a mid thigh length sparkly pink dress with a bow in the middle with some black wedges, Nareesha got high waisted shorts with flowery, light blue shirt with some sky blue pumps, Maiken got some light washed skinny jeans and a shirt that says 'I'm with the boyband' with light pink combat boots, and I got a shirt that says 'I love you more than cupcakes' shirt and some blush pink shorts with light pink Keds.

We got in the tour bus and put the bags in the corner. The boys just looked at us like we woke up from the dead.

"You know this reminds me of the day we met. You had tons of bags and then I bumped into you" I smiled at the memory. I guess the red Keds weren't bad luck.

"Yeah." I sighed just remembering the day I realized who he was.

"You know I love you right?" Nathan asked me with a smile. I swallowed the lump in my throat. I ran to the restroom and threw up.

I. Will. Never. Eat. Taco. Bell. Ever. Again.

Nathan patted my back and held my hair. Part of me didn't want him to see me like this but the other part of me was 'aweing' at how sweet he was. I flushed the toilet and slowly stood up, I covered my face with my hands and pushed Nathan out the door. I brushed my teeth and made sure the smell was gone before going out the door. I was making my way to Nathan when Maiken grabbed me by my arm and pulled me to the corner.

"What the actual fuck?" I looked at Maiken like she was crazy.

"You threw up?" Maiken asked. I rolled my eyes and said yes. She gasped and looked at me with wide eyes

"A-are y-you pregnant?" Maiken stuttered. It was now my turn for my eyes to widen

"I haven't even had sex yet!!" I whisper shouted. She sighed in relief.

"Ok that's good. I think it was the Taco Bell then cuz my stomach is starting to hurt." Maiken grumbled furrowing her eyebrows

"Well just remember you can't take a shit in the toilet" I smirked and walked over to Nathan and hugged him, he smiled at me and was about to kiss my lips when I put my hand over my mouth

"No matter how many times I brush my teeth that was gross" I told him

"I don't care I want a kiss" he closed his eyes and pointed to his lips. I got an amazing idea... Well a Jaythan idea. I motioned jay to come over to where I was. I mouthed to him to kiss Nathan, Jay looked at me like 'wtf?!' Then after that he leaned to Nathan. I was about to aww when Nathan's eyes shot open and push Jay away before he kissed him.

"Eeww! What the fuck mate? Have you lost it?" Nathan shouted. I burst out laughing and gave Jay a high five.


It was now night time and me and Nathan went to bed leaving everyone to continue talking.

Nathan got in after me and once again I was on the bottom.

Let me tell you this. This morning I woke up feeling like total shit. My body ached more than the time I worked out for the first time.

I was getting really sleepy when Nathan whispered to me

"Do you not love me?"

Oh shit...

Nathan's POV

I had to know. The curiosity was killing me.

She tensed up then began talking

"I. I do. It's just I can't do it. I can't say it. I'm afraid. After Harry I'm scared of telling anyone I love them because they may not love me back. I'm scared you will leave me if I don't say it. I'm scared I'm going to get hurt again. I don't want that to happen. I'm really scare Nathan" she burst out in tears. I'm not going to lie that made me shed a tear. I never knew she felt that way.

"Josie listen to me love, I love you more than anything in this world. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me and I would never hurt you. Don't be scared, I'm here for you. I will never hurt you. I promise!" I hugged her tightly letting her cry. It broke my heart to see her like this.

"I love you so much" she whispered. My heart fluttered with happiness. I smiled

"I love you more than words can tell" I whispered back kissing her passionately.

Josie's POV

I shouldn't be scared. He loves me. And I know this isn't fake love like Harry's. this is the real deal.

I love Nathan. And I can finally say it.



this chapter is too cute!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter as I enjoyed writing it!

191 reads! 9 more children that's all!

9 more reads till I get to 200!!!!!!! Yay!

Thank you so much and remember to vote and comment! And don't ever forget my love for you people!

-Josie :) xx

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