Magic and a Trial

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Aladdin squinted his eyes open as he got used to the light around the room. He yawned and sat up. It was a few days since Alibaba brought him to the palace. He was a nervous wreck, but the king was kindhearted. That much he could see. He was told he would become Alibaba's personal servant. To him it was becoming a slave all over again. But if it was Alibaba it couldn't be that bad, could it?

He sighed and looked out the window. His official duties didn't start until that day and to be honest he was kinda scared. He didn't truly know any of them. Although he figured he could trust that one woman. What was her name. Yamri? Yamiah? Yamraiha! That was it. 'I think I'll just call her Yam.' Aladdin concluded as he remembered when he met her.

Aladdin and Alibaba were walking through the palace. Aladdin wasn't as tense as earlier, but it was still hard to get a conversation out of him. Whenever Alibaba tried to talk to him, he would respond with a yes or no and stay silent. 'Looks like he thinks he's still a slave.' Alibaba concluded. 'I'll have to tell him the difference between slave and personal servant.'

Alibaba didn't notice he was walking ahead until he heard a thump behind him. He looked back to see Aladdin on the ground a woman standing over him. She had her hand out to him. She had blue hair hanging over her shoulders and a tan tunic on.

Aladdin winced at the pain slightly and looked up fearfully at the stranger. She smiled. "Sorry about that. I didn't see you there. I'm Yamraiha." Aladdin took her hand and felt himself get haulted up off the ground. Calm waves radiated over him and he felt himself relax around her. He smiled slightly. "I'm Aladdin." he mumbled.

"Aladdin? That's a cute name." Yamraiha complimented. She pet his head slightly and Aladdin flinched but didn't pull away. Alibaba stared in amazement. 'He's not resisting or anything.' he marveled. Every time he touched Aladdin he would pull away whimpering. Aladdin once again smiled slightly.

Alibaba came up to the two and smiled. "Aladdin this Yamraiha. She's a magician from Sindria."

"Magician?" Aladdin asked as he sounded out the word. He never heard that word before, let alone said it. Alibaba nodded. " It's the technical term for half-breeds. We mainly use it in high up rankings though. They use it because we're the only ones that can use magical attacks in both physical and far range modes."

Aladdin's eyes widened as he looked behind her to see a tail flicking to the side. It looked exactly like his! Yamraiha giggled at his reaction and took of her cream hat. Two purple ears popped up , relieved from being under it the whole time. "I see we are of the same type." she commented, petting one of his ears.

"Type?" he asked again, curiousity taking over. Even though he didn't understand what they were talking about, he desired more. After being stuck in a small room most of his life the things Alibaba and Yamraiha were talking about were quiet interesting.

Alibaba answered the question that time. "Each magician has their own type of magic they excel in. I'm a fire type, so I excel in fire ,but I can also become one with the earth if need be. You and Yamraiha are the psychic type. You use your minds and hands to cast spells and barriers. You can also read minds if you're skilled enough."

Yamiraiha nodded. "It's just like he said. You are a psychic type like me. An Espeon as we're classified. Alibaba is a Flareon." Aladdin's eyes lit up at every word. He jumped up and grabbed Yamraiha's hands. "Can you teach me magic?" he asked.

Yamraiha's eyes widened. "Me?" Aladdin nodded. "You're the same type as me and a good magician. Please. Please. Please. I want to use magic too. I never got a chance before. I didn't even know I could." Aladdin begged.

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