I chuckled and kissed her, "i know baby. we just have jobs now and kids. it's hard i know."

she sighed, "i want to go away with just me and you but...with olivia now deaf? it'll be impossible almost."

i took her hands and kissed them.

"nothing is impossible my love." i whispered and caressed her cheek.

"we have to make dinner." alison said.

i groaned, "no don't go." i said and held her wrist as she stood up.

she chuckled ,"come on killer. let's go." she encouraged and i rolled my eyes and stood up.

i jumped on alison's back when we got downstairs and she laughed ,"what the hell are you doing you hippo?!"

i gasped and laughed, "that was so mean!"

she smiled, "well you weigh like 10 times my weight! except your all muscle! i'm...skin slabbed on over some bone."

i threw my head back and laughed.

"what to cook." alison said.

i walked over and placed my hands on her hips, "how about some white chicken, alfredo noodles and some green beans? sound good?" i suggested and nibbled on her ear.

she gasped and smiled, squeezing my cheeks, "so smart emily fields."

she started cooking everything and i put the chicken in the oven.

i gasped, "shit. eli! the game is on bud!" i shouted and he ran downstairs.

"play it play it!"

he jumped on the couch and i put the game on.

NY Knicks vs the Atlanta Hawks.

"he fakes a left and goes up for the 3...AND GETS IT! WOOO! 3 points to New YORK!" elijah cheered and i high fived him and alison laughed, "you guys are so weird."

cameron came down, "dang. what's the score?" he asked.

"new york 3, atlanta zip!" i said and he smiled, "nice!"

we watched the game while victoria slowly walked olivia down and olivia situated herself with her toys and victoria on her phone...as always.

Alison pov

i made dinner. like a boring house mom does with my boring apron and my at the moment boring, tv glued wife.

i took my phone out and dialed hanna.


"entertain me. my family is a bunch of idiots." i said while i chewed bread.

"well. i found out that my ceiling fan does a full count of 306 rotations in a minute. 30 inch span, 1/8 of an inch thick. 306 rotations per minute."

i nodded, "well i see you spent your night wisely."

she groaned, "4 months pregnant and cece won't let me do my work. i'm just...sitting here like a lame goose."

"duck hanna. spencer went over this a while ago. she told me about it."

"whatever. they both quack." she said.

"once again. in the words of spencer jill hastings, geese honk."

"shut the fuck up alison."

i laughed and hanna groaned, "god! this baby is getting on my nerves! i am constantly hungry! i want a pickle...CECE!" hanna screamed.

"coming!" i heard.

"wow. smooth." i said.

"whatever. she does what i please lately. i say jump, she says how high." she said and i knew she was smirking.

"you filthy son of a bitch." i said and laughed.

"you called. just filling you in." she replied simply and i rolled my eyes.

i felt a tug at my pant leg and looked down to see olivia point to her mouth.

i held my finger up, showing to give me a minute.

"i got to go han. love you. give my best to ce and sky."

"will do alaroo."

"don't call me that." i said.

"right. got it. night sis."

"night han." i said and hung up.

"guys! dinner!" i shouted and they paused the game, coming over.

we all sat down and sat next to emily.

"grace anyone?" i said and victoria did it.

she has always loved saying grace.

ever since she was younger.

i smiled, "well then. let's eat shall we? don't be shy." i said and took some alfredo pasta.

i looked at emily who was rubbing her back and grimacing.

"you okay love?" i asked.

"yeah. sorry. just an itch." she said and ate.

i nodded, not believing what she tried to sell to me.

please tell me she is okay.


is she? will emily be okay?

idk :)

gave you halison and emison ;)

review and comment!

~stay fearless~

caleigh <13

Treacherous(Emison)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt