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 Hooves clopped on the freezing stone, and rain pounded the ceiling of a castle. It looked new, though no one had any idea why it had to be built. The hooves belonged to that of a goat. But the top half of the goat was a man, a faun. He galloped through the rain and into the throne room. He called across the room. "Aslan! The Sorcerer's scouts are crossing the river, they'll be to our camp in a matter of days!" A lion, with a golden mane turned his head toward the faun and spoke in a deep voice. "Send some animals, a few fauns and centaurs to meet them, not all of them. But I do sense the five will  be here in a few hours. They're getting closer to Narnia every minute."

"The five? I have not yet heard this news Aslan, nor why the castle had to be built." The faun asked unsurely. "The castle had to be built because these thrones have to be filled! Do you remember the White Witch? They had to fill the four thrones of Cair Paravel. Now we must fill the thrones of quinque Arce ." The faun shook his head. "The White Witch? I'm sorry Aslan, I was never the best history student." The great lion just nodded. "With the Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve! The five children of High King Peter, King Edmund, Queen Susan, and Queen Lucy!"

 The faun bowed and trotted off back to the camp. He was quite fast, and was back at the camp in five minutes. He talked to his second in command, Toran. "We'll send out the centaurs to the right flank, and the fauns will go straight down the middle. The animals to the left, and the centaurs will both crash into them from the sides." Toran nodded. "Alright, Garlin." We won't have to hold out for long. At least until they arrive. was the thought that was bouncing around in Garlin's skull.

The Return to Narnia: Back into the WardrobeWhere stories live. Discover now