Chapter 6: Withdrawl

Start from the beginning

"Sorry. I'm sorry. I guess...he did break me. They told me...Phelan would hurt you. I'm sorry Carebear. So sorry." I watch the light fade from his eyes as Cara screams fill the air and I just sit there....with Deke's blood on my hands.


The Supe police have left and Lea's still kneeling by the bodies. She hasn't moved since Deke died. The police had left the bodies because the Supes take care of their own dead. The council will have to be called as well but for now I have to help Lea. Phelan has taken Cara from the room and Ash and her mates are consoling the twins. The only people in the room beside me and Lea are her brothers. Mal looks over to me and I walk over to Lea. I squat down in front of her but she doesn't look at me. She's staring at her clenched fists. When I see blood drip between her fingers I reach out and grasp her wrist. She doesn't pull back but she doesn't look up either. I pry her fist open to see the glass shard embedded into her hand. A noise comes from my throat as I struggle to speak. She must have gotten it out of Deke's hands.

"Lea, it's hurting you let me take it out." Finally she speaks but she doesn't move as she continues to look at her hands.

"It doesn't hurt, Lo. No more than I'm always hurting." Ignoring the pain from the silver coated glass I pull the shard out of her palm and hand it to Mal.

"What do you mean Lea? Are you in pain?" She shrugs again and I grasp her face between my hands and force her to look at me. Her eyes are dull with shock as she continues to speak in a monotone voice.

"I'm always in pain. Don't you remember? My name? Nothing?" Clenching my jaw I resist the urge to shake her.

"Lea, what do you mean? I don't understand?" Her eyes stare into me but she doesn't elaborate. Growling in frustration I glance over at her brothers. "The goddess gave me a gift." Mal straightens but doesn't speak as I continue. "She said I can mark her without claiming her so I can feel her emotions and thoughts if I need to." Her brothers stare at me, solemnly then they all nod their heads. Sighing I lean forward and kiss Lea lightly on the mouth but she doesn't react. Releasing her face I lean down and lick the side of her neck. She stiffens then but doesn't say anything. I lick her neck again then bite into her shoulder. She screams and tries to jerk away but I clutch her to me tightly as lick my mark to stop the bleeding. She goes limp in my arms as her emotions crash down on me. Sorrow, anger yes but the pain rolling through her is debilitating. Hissing I lift her hair and look down at her back then look over to her brothers.

"Pure silver. He did it with pure silver. She has so much silver in her I'm amazed she's breathing." All of them growl as I pull back to look at Lea's face. "Lea, look at me." She shifts but doesn't move. "LEA!" She blinks and her eyes raise. "How are you fighting the silver?" A half smile forms on her face but doesn't reach her eyes.

"I can eradicate it. Push it out of my system. I figured it out when my beast came."

"Then why is it still in your system Lea?" She stares at me as if I've asked her a stupid question.

"Because I deserve it. I deserve to suffer." Clutching at her shoulders I don't hesitate to shake her now.

"Push it out of your system Lea." She start to shake her head but I clutch tighter at her shoulders. "NOW LEA. ALL OF IT!" She sighs and a shudder ripples through her as the skin heats up to the touch. I jerk my hands from her bare shoulders as silver slides through her pores. I yank her shirt off as I start rubbing her off with the shirt. When she stops sweating I toss the shirt to the floor as I scoop her into my arms. I look over at Mal as he speaks.

"Get her cleaned up we'll get this."


I come back to myself in the shower, shivering. I blink my eyes as I scowl at the freezing ass water. I can't remember....Deke. I raise my hands to my head, clutching my hair, as memories assault me. That first smile. The glint of mischievous in his eyes right before he says something completely outrageous. The love for Cara that radiated off of him. The night he became another brother to me.

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