Joshua's POV

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After Naomi said that shit about me to my mum I wanted to hurt her so bad so I made up a plan. *EVIL GRIN*

I was just away to leave the house when my mum told me to pick her up and take her to school. So because I want to be on my mums good side I said i would. I stopped beside Naomi and told her to get in the car. After i little talk of why she finally got in the car.

Before we got to the school I stopped just before the corner and Naomi got out and I drove off. I got to school before her and went up to her only friend Dylan and threatened to hurt Naomi if he didn't do as I said, and because he loves Naomi so much he agreed.

I saw Naomi come in and walked up to Dylan 'This will be fun' I said to myself. I walked a few steps behind them and waited for the show to begin. Once it happened, I didn't expect him to go as far as to shove her onto the lockers but it was his choice.

(jump to the naomi and Dylan scene)

"Oh my god, I can't believe he would do that!"
"I thought they were friends"
"Is he crying?" and more were going around the halls. I saw him get up and walk towards me. "This is your fault, if she isn't at home when I check in her I'll make sure you regret ever being born" he threatened me then went to his class.


I took a slut home (I don't know her name) I walked in to see my mum and Naomi together, mum was crying.

"Joshua Barnaby Robson! how could you do that to your own sister?" mum shouted "Mum I really can't talk I have my girlfriend over" I said "Well your slut can wait!-" my mum got cut off "Mum just leave it please, let him screw his slut and you can tell him tomorrow" Naomi said "what's happening?" I asked myself, oh well, Mum will tell me tomorrow.


I woke up got dressed, you know the usual.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. "Hey mum." I said while putting bread in the toaster. "hi Joshua." My mum said while sniffling. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Oh, yeah. Just my youngest child decided to move to another country because she was being bullied here. You wouldn't happen to know anything, would you?" mum said. "No." I said "okay, gotta go, bye." and walked out. Naomi moved? Was it because of what Dylan did yesterday? No, Naomi is stronger than that. I know I verbally attacked her but that's what siblings do, right? I don't know.

I got to school and I saw Dylan waiting at the gates like what he did every morning. "Hey Dylan" I said. "Hi Josh, what do you want?" he asked. "I just wanted to say sorry for making you say that and that Naomi isn't going to be at school today or any day in fact" I said. "W-why?" He asked. "She moved because she was being bullied, you wouldn't happen to know any of the people who bullied her, do you?" I asked. "Uhm, yeah, well there was you, Brody, Britney, everyone in your group of people" He said. "Was it just verbal or was it physical?" I asked. "With you it was just verbal but with everyone else it was physical." Dylan said.


It's been 1 year and I'm missing Naomi like crazy, I've stopped hanging around with Britney and everyone else except for Brody and Dylan. We all became amazing friends and we're waiting for the day Naomi comes back so that we can apologise. Whenever the guys sleep over at mine we all hang out in my room but during the night when 'everyone' is sleeping, Dylan gets up and leaves the room, I've wondered what he does so one night I followed him, He goes into Naomi's room and cries himself to sleep. God I hope she comes home soon, Dylan is losing control, He is such a mess.

I heard the doorbell ring and Brody and Dylan were over but they stayed in my room, I went downstairs to open the door and I saw a girl with a group of guys, looking at me "Hello?" I asked "Hi" She said. "Are you lost? because I've never seen you before" I said. "No, We're definitely at the right place, can we come in?" She asked. "uhm, yeah sure..." I moved out of the way and they walked into the house to the living room. "Is your mum home?" One of the guys asked. "Yeah, let me go get her." I said and walked out the room to get mum.

"Mum, there are people here who want to speak to you." I said through the door of her bedroom. "Okay, I'm just coming, give me a second." She said. She opened the door and walked down the stairs

My mum walked into the room and took one look at the girl, screamed, ran to her and gave her the biggest hug I have ever seen her do. "Oh my fucking god! You're here!" she screamed. "Yeah, Hi" the girl whispered. "Mum, you know her?" I asked. "Of course I know my daughter, you should be able to recognise your sister!" My mum exclaimed. "N-Naomi!?" I asked not really believing she was here. "Yeah, hey dickhead" she said. "I can't believe you're here, I thought you weren't coming home until your last year." mum said. "Yeah, well I was planning on staying with dad for another year but I missed you too much." she said. "Okay, I'm going to my room and I know we have enough room for these guys so I'm going to find rooms for them." she said while pointing to the guys.

They all walked up stairs and found their rooms. I then walked up the stairs to my room and saw Dylan and Brody staring at me. "Dude, you okay?" Brody asked. "Yeah, Naomi is home though." I said smiling. "Naomi is home? Can i go see her? Please" Dylan said. "Okay, but i don't think she will want to see you" I said. Dylan shrugged and left the room.

"So, is she really home?" Brody asked while looking at the picture of the 3 of us that i found in her room. "Yeah" I said. "I hope she forgives us, I really missed her." He said. "Me too" I said

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