8 - Drunk Promises

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So last night I was driving home with my family from a trip to visit our grandparents. The drive is two hours long.

My dad was drunk, I think. I couldn't really tell I think he was more buzzed than actually drunk. Anyways, I always get mad at him when he's drunk because he gets very annoying. But soon we started singing to songs in Spanish and I was given the aux cord so we could play more good Spanish songs lol.

So in between the singing, we would all talk about the funny, happy, sad, and scary things that happened when we were in Brazil last year. One of them being how we almost died on the very first night before we even reached our hotel lol.

Fun fact* instead of having a quinceañera, my twin and I told our dad that we would rather go to the World Cup in Brazil. So we did, best choice of my life if I do say so myself

Anyways, while we were talking about that, my dad said that we should go to all the world cups from now on. Although I'm sure that's not true, he actually asked us if we wanted to go to Russia, and he seemed sincere. Of course we said yes.

Last time we decided that we wanted to go, was three years before it would actually happen so my dad had started saving up for three years so we could go. Now my dad makes more money and there's stuff that he doesn't have to pay for anymore like our braces and our surgery and stuff like that.

So, I know my dad, he usually remembers everything, even if he was drunk. So since he wasn't super wasted, I think he remembers last night's conversation.

I really hope we get to go...

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