"That does seem strange. By all means, keep listening to your instincts." Her eyes never left me as I took off my jacket. "Would you like to use the shower? You positively reek of cigarette smoke."

"Sorry. I was hanging around a bunch of people who were lighting up outside." A shower sounded wonderful to me right now. I was so tired. I simply wanted to go to sleep. Going to her dresser, I grabbed some of my spare clothes I'd started leaving here and headed into the adjoining bathroom.

Turning the shower on, I quickly undressed and got in, sitting on the small tile bench opposite the spray. Leaning my head against the wall, I let the water sluice over me, closing my eyes, and trying to relax.

Portia's thoughts reached me. She was already in her pajamas and had crawled into bed. Even though she was exhausted, I caught onto the thoughts in her head.

"I wonder what he looks like completely naked?"

I couldn't help my grin. "Why don't you come climb in with me and you can find out?" I replied in a teasing tone.

My reply jerked her awake. "You shouldn't tempt me. I might surprise you and do exactly that."

Sighing heavily, I replied. "I'm afraid at this point my resolve is low and I'd let you." I was tired of fighting against my need for her all the time.

Even with her teasing, I never expected her to actually open the door and step inside, pajamas and all. Her gaze traveled across me and I was instantly on fire. Standing, I grabbed her, pushing her against the wall, as the water from both the shower and my wet body saturated her clothing.

I kissed her roughly, molten lava racing through my veins as she responded just as passionately. Words of warning whispered through my mind, but I shoved them aside. I was beyond caring at this point—I only wanted to make her mine.

My fingers slid into her wet hair as I held her head to mine, devouring her mouth with everything I had inside me. Dropping my hands to her shoulders, my fingers slid the straps of her tank top off her shoulders, and my lips trailed, across her face and down her neck to kiss her there.

Her thin nightclothes were molded to every part of her sweet body, outlining her figure perfectly and desire raged through me even stronger.

Sliding lower, I kissed her stomach though her shirt, her hands tangling in my hair before I slowly began to lift her top higher.

Jerking, I jolted awake. The hot water was still streaming against me where I sat alone in the shower. Groaning, I leaned over, placing my elbows on my knees as I shoved my hands in my hair.

This certainly wasn't the first time I'd had tortured dreams like this about Portia. They happened a lot; and like every time before, I always woke right when things were getting good. It was as if my subconscious was also determined to keep me from having her as well, something I both blessed and cursed. I was beyond frustrated.

Standing, I turned the shower colder, biting back the groan at the unwelcome prickles that raced across my skin. Very quickly, I finished washing and got dressed before crawling onto the bed next to my sleeping girlfriend.

"I love you," I whispered, placing a soft kiss against her cheek. She shifted slightly, but didn't rouse enough to answer. I stared at her beautiful features in the soft moonlight, wanting her so badly I could taste it.

Maybe I could talk to her parents. I was eighteen. I had money and could support her very well. Would they ever consider letting me marry her early? I knew she was young, but we were already bound to each other. The marriage between us was inevitable. It would happen someday. Truthfully, it was only the last legal step to finalize our relationship together. Our souls had already been sealed together in the ritual. That was why this was all so hard for me—I already considered her my wife—I only lacked the paper to prove it.

My thoughts drifted to the engagement ring I still carried with me everywhere. We'd had some amazing times together, but I was waiting for the right time to talk to her about all of this. I knew she wanted me as badly as I wanted her, but I didn't want her to miss out on enjoying and living her own life to the fullest, because she was rushing to be with me. There was no doubt in my mind that she wanted the same outcome I did.

The timing of all this completely sucked. I was quickly discovering that sometimes waiting was absolutely the hardest things to do.

Sighing, I brushed the heavy thoughts from my mind. She was here in bed with me now. I needed to learn to enjoy the moments we did have together instead of always wishing for more. Snuggling closer to her, I draped my arm across her shoulders and allowed myself to finally drift to sleep.

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