Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Journal entry:

Tonight was . . . I don't know if there's a word to describe it . . . amazing is the closest I can come. To sit next to and visit with her, spending time just the two of us, wow. I never thought it would be like this. Her thoughts and emotions wash through me. I still haven't told her I can hear her. Some part of me wants to keep that a secret for a bit longer, so she won't try to shutter herself around me. I swear I'll tell her the truth soon, but I love hearing her pure thoughts regarding me. She makes me feel magical.


Her nerves pulsated through me. She was intrigued, but slightly scared as well. I couldn't even imagine what it must be like to have everything sprung on her so quickly. My whole life had been about magic. She was finding everything out in the span of five minutes.

The other coven members stood solemnly beside me inside the basement ritual room, robes and cowls hiding our identity, waiting for Portia to be brought in and introduced. I couldn't help the smile that touched my lips when I realized she thought this was some elaborate birthday prank her family was trying to pull off. If only. I was almost sad to see her lose her trusting innocence. The world she'd always known was about to disappear before her very eyes.

Every muscle in my body froze when she entered with her father and grandmother. She glanced nervously about the room, taking it all in. Intimidation washed through her and I wanted to take her in my arms and comfort her—letting her know that it all would be okay.

"This is my daughter Portia," Sean said.

"Blessed be, Portia." My voice mingled with the others in the standard uniform greeting of our group.

Her grandmother took her by the arm and began introducing her to the members. They, in turn, each revealed themselves, kissing her knuckles and welcoming her.

Soon, I was the only one left and she was standing before me. Her strong energy was palpable.

"This is Portia," Milly said again.

"Welcome, Portia. Blessed be."

She noticeably stiffened as I slipped my hands in hers, raising her knuckles to my mouth, and gently brushing my lips across them. I wondered if everyone else in the room felt the same electricity I did.

With effort, I released her hands and removed my hood, completely uncovering myself to her. Even though she already suspected it was me, the shock was apparent on her face. Our eyes locked, neither of us able to look away.

This is real. The thought raced through her head. Vance would never participate in a joke like this.

She was right. I wouldn't. I wanted to say something to her—anything—but couldn't seem to find the words.

Milly broke our silent stare by turning Portia's shoulders back toward the center of the group. "What do you think?" she asked.

Portia briefly glanced over her shoulder at me and I flashed her a soft smile. "Uh . . . honestly, I'm slightly overwhelmed."

Everyone started laughing and crowded in closer to visit with her. I watched for several minutes, unable to believe she was finally a part of my world now, no longer restricted from me. She kept casting shy glances in my direction as I slowly made my way out the door, going upstairs and strolling into the yard. I really wanted to talk to her, but I didn't want to overwhelm her anymore than she was at the moment. I'd wait for everyone to leave and then maybe I could catch a few moments alone with her.

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