"Well that can't be true. Emotions are fundamental for a human being, without them we wouldn't be anything!" Cassadee said, throwing her arms in the air for emphasis.

"Now that I think about it, why do we smile? I mean, there must be a reason why we show happiness that way." Cassadee said.

"Yeah, there is." I said. "Smiling is related to the brain's actions, when something that we find funny or amusing or just makes us happy hits the nerve, we automatically smile. It's just a reaction that our brain's recorded." I explained.

"Yeah, but why?" Cass asked again. I shrugged.

"I guess it just happens. Like laughing, which is no more than a release of the expanding energy we've gathered up. Or crying, which is related to nerves too."

"I heard that when you cry from the right eye, it's due to emotional pain, whilst when you cry on your left eye it's physical pain. Or... or maybe it was the other way around. Hmm can't put my finger on it." Alison added, with a small chuckle.

"Really?" Cass asked. "It's so weird how our bodies react to the events." She stated. I nodded in agreement.

But most strange was how well I knew those facts, yet I wasn't able to prove them and experience them. It's like you know what something smells like because they've told you, but you never smelt it. Or like you know exactly an artwork because you've studied it, but you've never seen it with your own eyes.

"Guys." Pat called, getting our attention. He was standing behind Cassadee with a jar in his hands, containing two fish in water. We must've not noticed his presence... whoops.

"Look what I found." He grinned proudly, showing off the jar. Cassadee grabbed it and examined it cautiously.

"Wow." She whispered in awe. "They're so pretty."

"Hand it here." Alison cooed and took the jar in her hands, examining it as well. From my spot I could see the fish were blue and purple, mixed to green and many shades of blue. But they didn't seem to have anything special except the bright mixed colors.

"Look." Alison said, making me look at them better. "They're kind of rare species." She informed me.

"Really? How did you find them?" I asked, observing the fishes.

"I don't know, we were swimming all the way to the rocks." Pat said, pointing to the other side of the sea. "And we dove underwater in search of starfish. We found these instead."

"Lucky discover." I stated.

"Yep." He nodded in agreement, with a grin. I handed him the jar back.

"Aren't you disappointed though? I mean, you haven't found any starfish..."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. Maybe next time." He shrugged. I raised my eyebrows. I thought he'd be more... down? Usually people are, when they don't get what they want, right?

"You're nonchalant for one that hasn't got what he wanted." I stated. He laughed at me, as if I said something funny.

"Told you, it doesn't matter. I found these and it's pretty great. And you can't expect to find what you're searching for at the first try. If you do, then you'll end up disappointed for sure." He said.

"Also, you need to be proud of what you realize. It might be something little, but it's a little victory too." Patty added, making his way towards us - he must've heard us while coming out of the water.

I pondered about their words for a moment and bit my lip. Funny how sometimes you search for something and find something completely different, but still satisfying.

The Warmth In The Hands Of A Heartless {Lynn Gunn}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя