chapter 6

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Tears stung her eyes. She was so tired, all she wanted in that moment was a nap. She was tired of running. But she couldn't, she knew she couldn't. No matter how she felt she Hadley l to keep running. She had to keep fighting.


"What do you mean you think we're dead?!" Blake yelled at Lia. "I mean at least I think I'm dead. I don't know what you did to get here hit I died. Foxy killed me. Now tell me did you die in game?" "I was crushed by the room I was in." "You're playing witches house aren't you?" Blake nodded. "You stepped in the middle of the room didn't you?" Blake nodded again. "Goddamit blake! You never step in the middle of th room!" Lia started doing her weird pacing thing. "So is this like sword art online rules where we're dead forever or mario rules where we get three more life's?" Blakell whispered. "I don't know. I honestly don't know." Then a paper fell from the ceiling.


He crept through the halls. He kept checking the different rooms. Just empty bedrooms and a study. Occasionally there would be a wardrobe in the hall. He was scared out of his wits. He always thought someone was following him. Someone breathing down his neck. The thought sent chills down his spin. All he had was a candle he found in the study. He turned a corner and the next hall was nothing but darkness. He took a deep breath. The wood creaked under his bare feet. For a minute he wondered if His friends were here in his house. Then he remembered the cameras from the boys room. Lia was in an office and Blake and Logan were outside. He was finally back into the light. Then he heard the footsteps. They were big, he climbed into a wardrobe.


The girls looked at the paper. "You pick it up." Said Lia. "No! You do it!" Lia rolled her eyes. She picked it up and scanned it. "What does it say?" Blake said. "Dear players." Lia read off. "To answer your question you have five life's in all you've both just lost one so you only have four now. if you lose all your life's you will die and you will never come back so play with caution. Now go play." She finished. After she finished speaking a door opened. "I guess we go though those." Blake said. "Yeah." They hugged. And went though the door. Everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2015 ⏰

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