Chapter 3

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"Three hundred ounces..." whispered Parker as he smiled

"Three hundred and fifty thousand dollars."

"I'm so happy!"

"I bet!"

"I guess it's because you came."


"Yeah. We were having a bad season then you showed up and boom bang boom here's the gold!"

I giggled and he smiled at me. We arrived at his house around eight. We went inside. We had dinner and went to bed.


I've been here for a month now. I was up in my room while Parker was at work. I heard running through the house. My room door flung open. Parker was breathing heavily.

"Parker, what's wrong?" I asked as I went to him.

"Five hundred ounces..."

"Five hundred?"


"Oh, my god!"

He smiled. I jumped up and hugged him. He laughed.

"I can't believe it! You're my lucky charm! Five hundred ounces is over half a million dollars. Oh, god, I'm so happy!" said Parker as I jumped down.

"Is that from a month?"

"Yes, after that three ounces!"

"This is going to be a great season."

"Yes. I'm doing better than my boss Tony Beets."

"Tony Beets?" I repeated.

"Yeah. He's not fun to work with."

"He gave those twelve claims?"

"Well, I bought them."

"We should celebrate." I suggested.


"Yeah. What do you want to do?"

"We can go have some whiskey with my crew but you're nineteen."

"I can have soda. I don't care. This is huge!"

"Okay. I call Kyle and take a shower then you can take a shower."


Parker smiled and walked out. I gathered clothes for the celebration. I heard my phone ringing. I grabbed it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"So, how's it going?"

"Hi, mom."

"Hi. How's Parker?" She said.

"He's fine."

"Any smooching going on?"

"No, mom."

"You're going to get married in four weeks months you need to start kissing him!"

"Mom! What if I don't want to get married?!"

"You're getting married if you like it or not."

"I don't want to get married now!"

"Yes, now!"

I hung up my phone and threw it on my bed. I threw myself back onto my bed and groaned. My door opened.

"Your mom?" asked Parker with a towel around his waist.


"I had the same exact conversation with my mom this morning. She came to the site."

Is it just for the gold? (A Parker Schnabel ff Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now