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Clary paced around the Institute, both nervous and excited. Jace was watching her when she entered his--their room. He was sitting on the bed and had one of his rare, true smiles on. "Why don't you just go to them now?" He said, grabbing her hand and forcing her it sit beside him. Clary gave him a look which she hoped showed him how stupid he was. "Because," she said, "Alec and Magnus are coming here for Christmas. Remember?" Jace laughed at her. "No, maybe you should jog my memory. True loves kiss can break through, I think." "I'm sure hitting you works just as fine." The sound of the door made Clary start, but she jumped up, dragging Jace behind her. Their wedding rings clanged against eachother, giving off a small, high noise. Clary was suddenly very aware of the stele in her pocket.
Alec, his hand in Magnus', looked around the Institute doorway. It was exactly the same, except before it had been home to him. Now, with Magnus, his home morphed every day. Once, he'd made the mistake of thinking he'd gone into the wrong house, and left again. Magnus thought he was leaving him. Thankfully, they soon patched that up. The first to the door was Robert and Maryse. Robert glanced at their joined hands and wrinkled his nose. Typical. He gave Alec that acceptance speech, but he would never mean it. Maryse, however, smiled at them. "Merry Christmas." Alec nodded his response, and then turned to his boyfriend. "If you start singing carols, I swear to G-- by the Angel I will kill you." Magnus opened his mouth but closed it again, pouting. Before anyone could say anything else, Clary ran into the room, Jace being pulled along behind her. Isabelle and Simon, who had successfully Ascended, trailed in after them. "Hi." Alec said. "Have a Holly Jolly Christmas and in-" "I said no singing!" "I spoke the words!" "That counts, right?" Alec turned to Isabelle hopefully. She shook her head at them. "He didn't sing." Magnus grinned. "Anyway!!" Clary said. "What's up, biscuit?" "I have a very very important present for you two so hurry up and sit down." "Might want to breathe, Fray." Simon said. "Herondale." Jace corrected. He rolled his eyes at them. "Okay, guys, I said this was important. So hush." She turned to Alec and Magnus, and gestured for them to follow. They did, everyone else close behind them, and they found themselves in a large sitting room. "I don't see a present." Magnus said flatly, looking around. Alec tossed him a glance, grabbed his arm and sat down, bringing Magnus with him. "What is it, Clary?" Alec asked. When she pulled out her stele, she smiled, and Alec furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "A rune." She said, calmly. Maryse gaped, Izzy gasped and clamped her hands on Simon's arm, Jace grinned and Robert glared at them. "For what?" Alec was barely audible. "Immortality." "I-" Alec began, but Magnus cut him off. "We need to talk about this, thanks biscuit." He dragged him out of the room. "If you do this, you'll have to watch everyone you love-" "Die? Not everyone. Not you. And then you won't have to watch me die. We can be together. Forever. If only you'll--" "Alexander, immortality isn't all it's cut out to be." "Don't call me that. Besides, I know. Except, I won't be alone, because I'll have you, Mags, I'll always have you." "Hmmph...I hate it when you're right." "I know." Alec kissed him firmly on the lips, and Magnus smiled against his lips. "I love you."

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