Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

    Five more minutes, I told myself in the morning when I woke up, squinted at the digital clock sitting in the corner of my nightstand and realized it was nine-thirty A.M. Waking up for the second time, I pried my eyes open that had gunky stuff gluing them shut - a result of crying myself to sleep last night - and saw that it was nearly noon.

I'd like to say I'm one of the less-emotional females that there are - but when it comes to things that wound my self-confidence such as being fired at Stone Enterprises and breaking a heart for the second time in my life time, I'd say I'm more on the mentally unstable side.

Groaning, I sat up in bed and threw my duvet cover off and swung my legs over the slide so that I could make my way towards the bathroom in the main hallway where I would take a shower and then jump right back into pajamas and spend the rest of my uneventful day on the couch. Yawning, I ran a hand through my stringy brown hair that I hated. I hated the color, the length, the style - everything.

"Morning Tori," Tiff said, pausing from her typing on her laptop on the couch as I passed by the living room, "Sleep well?" She gave me a sad smile.

I shrugged. "I slept 'ight."

"Oh no," Tiff gasped, "Don't go gangster hood on me. Did I leave you in your room too long?" She pushed her laptop to the side and rushed to be next to me, grasping my shoulders, "Did you get into your 2009 collection of Lil Wayne albums again? I thought I hid those." She shook her head, "We are not going to recite 6-foot 7-foot lyrics again Vic."

I chuckled, brushing her hands off of my shoulders. "No, I haven't gotten into those. I'm not sure where you even hid them." I rolled my eyes. "Just a hard night, y'know?"

Tiff nodded solemnly, "I understand. I've been there." She checked her watch, "I better get back to forwarding these emails. My boss needs them in by closing and I have at least ten more."

"Good luck with that." I threw over my shoulder as I made my way towards the bathroom. Stopping short of the bathroom door, I placed my hand on the knob. "Hey Tiff?" I called out, still facing the bathroom door.

"Whatcha need, lovely?" I heard footsteps nearing me.

"What do you think of me going blonde?" I clutched the knob to the door, squeezing my eyes shut - waiting for an answer.

The footsteps stopped, and so did my heart. A couple seconds later I heard; "You'd look amazing blonde, Victoria."

My heart started beating again.


    "That'll be twenty-three pounds." The cashier said. I held up my credit card. "Debit or credit?"

"Credit." I said, before she pressed something on the cash register and then instructed me to slide. Sliding the card down the touchpad, I smiled to myself. I had just bought the first box of hair dye that was close enough to my previous shade of blonde and my natural hair color. I got a couple of hair ties and accessories because I was feeling giddy and ambitious about dying my hair.

"This is gonna look great on you." Tiff said, taking the grocery bag that contained my hair dye in and walked outside the store with me to my Beetle. I clicked the unlock button as we neared and both of us got inside the semi-warm car.

Clicking on my seat belt, I thanked her and started up the engine. After a couple of minutes we arrived home and my anxiety was growing. I couldn't wait to dye my hair back to normal - but I wasn't the same Victoria I was back then. Changing my hair color back was like bringing a piece of my old self back - not that I didn't want that - but it also meant bringing some of the pain back. I wasn't sure how I would feel with my self after looking in the mirror a couple times, at my old self.

"I'll go get the dye mixed," Tiff said happily. She squealed. "Oh my gosh, I can't wait to see how it comes out! Your green eyes will go so well with this shade!" And then she strutted off into the apartment to go get the dye set-up.

I pressed the lock button on my keys and stuffed them inside my pocket. I know how it'll look, I thought, I lived with it for eighteen years - before everything happened and I had to change myself completely.

I started to walking up the front steps of our apartment complex, the mid-September air was humid and crisp, making me wish I hadn't slipped on a light sweater at this time of month. Kicking a tiny pebble as I stepped onto the porch, I dug out my keycard to get into the front entrance of the door, but something stopped me in my tracks. In the glass door, I saw the reflection that stared back at me but it wasn't just mine - it was mine.

"Victoria." He spoke, but I didn't turn around. "I couldn't let you run away from me again. You may have not wanted to fight for us - but I do."



Hello! I'm trying to update on a regular basis now and I felt like today was the day because this bomb ass song just came out and y'all should know what I'm talking about. God damn baby I'm perfect ;)

I listened to Perfect on repeat as I wrote this, so it was sort of an inspiration.

As always, I hope you enjoyed and I love you all ♥

P.S. It was David and I's 3 months yesterday (the 15th). My favorite guy in the whole world.

SNAPCHAT: MichelleKane18 (ask me questions via video or photo and I'll be sure to answer them back with a snap!)

INSTAGRAM: MichelleKane88


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