Business ideas

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one of the best thing you can or may ever do in the bubble of competition is abstracting your ideas into business and combining making a new unique thing which holds nearly no competitors,

Factors of Production is a ethical plot  importance disguised as a procedure for improvement. 

* Natural Resources = land and materials  that come from the land I.e timber mineral deposits, oil water.  

*Labor = The mental and physical efforts of all workers regardless of their skill or education, to produce and sell goods. Labor is often called human resource factor.

*Capital = The buildings machinery and tools used to create goods services often refers to the money that buys the buildings machinery tools equipment used in production processes. It is the funding of that which is creating. The Web's wiki dictionary's definition is a bit simpler  (( capital is wealth in the form of money or other assets owned by a person or organization or available or contributed for a particular purpose such as starting a company or investing ))

*Entrepreneurship - The activity that brings the first three factors formally together to form a serviceable business.  Entrepreneurs are the    people whiling to accept the opportunities,  and risk of starting yet running its creation of cash through a beautiful effect of selling. 

*Communism = An example of a planed economy one with a strong centralized government that controls resources labor and capital. Example chart out set below works best on computer or large screen.

                                                  Natural resources                                                                                                                                                                              |        

         Capital------------->  {proportion} <------------------------Labor and production. Law licenses.


                                          (Entrepreneurship) owner    (ceo) 

                                              ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓                                     ↓↓

                                                Business.                                     Cfo staff etc.


          Profit is the excess of benefit over sacrifice always wistfully recall that.     

-The profit motive ; stimulates a person to do something when the benefit derived from doing  it is greater than the sacrifice required to do it. Note = a rational desires the greatest benefit with the least amount of sacrifice,when two different people agree on this natural desire, it's pitted against each other competition psychologically.   (The invisible hand) = when competition lowers their prices to gain costumers sales more then that which shall perish ones business in terms of risk. 

Benefit = Amount received from costumer            50 $

sacrifice  less paid from sale                                      - 30$

 Equals gross profit on the sale                                     20$ in total

Benefit - how much costumer bought. (sacrifice) = How much to make those products and essentials. Gross profit - how much Owner of business earned after process of the two. Net income (Net profit) = the amount, of profit that remains after all other costs have been considered its a background check for a weekly observation in some cases. ( Zero sum game) = measures success by weather someone "beats" or ranks someone else meaning for every winner there must be a loser, used a lot in business.  



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