Party and bullshit

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Toni Pov:

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!" Everyone screamed from everyone direction. I'm truly blessed to be here. Me and Rayé posed for the cameras and went on to greet everyone.

I found Riah talking to a couple of ladies, I tapped here on the shoulder. "Well hello beautiful, where did you come from?" I pulled her close to me. She laughed "You're dumb, I'm not playing with you." "You look so handsome in your outfit." She kissed my lips then brushed my shoulders off.

She just don't know what I'm seeing in front of me.

Riah outfit:
Blue mini backless dress
Black Medusa Head Heels
White clutch
Blue small hooped earrings and bracelet
Hair straighten

"Naw baby you look amazing....imma have to keep you near." I smiled looking her in the eyes. "I wouldn't want it any other way. Just me and my king." She kissed me as a photographer snapped our moment.

"She'll never really love you like she loved me." A familiar voice to us both. We turned around to face the voice. Roz stood there with roses. "This was supposed to be me and Rayé's birthday bash but you took that too." She grew angry. "Nobody took shit from you nigga." Rayé stepped up towards us.

"We were all best friends! You really gonna give that up? Yes i fucked up majorly but we still a family right?" Roz began to cry. Rayé said with the straightest face. "Our family is built on trust&loyalty.....something you have none of. Now leave or I'll have someone throw yo ass out. Cause I'm not messing up my outfit on you."

As Rayé was turning to walk us away from her sight. Roz started to charge at me with a knife. "Oh no you don't! Your under arrest!" The stand by police we hired. The look on Riah and Rayé's face was shock.

Everyone went back to the party and mingling. "Where is Taylor baby?" I asked Riah. She laughed and stuffed her mouth with a cream puff. "Yeah nigga where is my girl? Rayé pushed her arm. "She coming she had to make sure her swagg matched yours "Mr. Classic Man" she punched Rayé in the arm.

The sound of people "oooo's & aahhh's" made us look down from the balcony. "Ooooh wow bruh!!!" I caught myself saying. "That's my best friend, that's my best friend." my silly ass gf sang. Rayé said nothing and started walking towards the entrance.

Rayé Pov:

After the tomfoolery of Roz drama filled ass, we continued with our party. I had searched for Taylor but she was no where to be found. Me and Toni had asked where she was when all of a sudden, people were admiring someone. I looked down from the balcony & saw her.

Taylor outfit:
Purple bodycon dress(backless)
Black Louis Vuitton heels
Hair straighten with Princess curls
Diamonds necklace with charm&earrings

She looked like a queen without even trying. I made it through the crowd and saw her taking pictures. "Well hello me lady....I thought you'd never make it." I said approaching her. She turned around and her eyes lit up. "Omg Sky you look so Handsome and beautiful." She pushed past the photographers.

I kissed her without second guessing it. The cameras flashed people cheered. "You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen....besides my mom." I held on to her. We went off to join Toni and Mariah.

We started turning up & took more pictures with the people I love and friends. My dad got J. Cole to perform at our party it was live af. My dad got on the mic and told us both to get to the entrance. We get to the doors and there is a white bow on a Royal blue Audi M8. "Toni a gift from me and the Mrs. Happy birthday kiddo!!" My dad throws her the keys. "Thanks Pop Harris but what's these to?" She asked about the other key. "Oh thats to your own place no meed to thank me."

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