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"Omg you live here?" Taylor said in awe. "I stay in the guest house in the back." Parking Black Daliah in our 10 car garage. Idk what it was about Taylor but,I couldn't shake it. Like I'm a weirdo when it comes to women. I love eyes and smiles, my grandma always said if you fall in love with someones eyes you'll stay in love cause eyes never change.

She was hella fine too, standing 5'4 its was right for my height. Her eyes were light brown not hazel like mine but different, &that smile had a nigga in a daze.

We go through the main house so I could introduce Taylor to my stepmom,& lil bro. "Shes pretty Rayé!" Ryder said mouth full of food. I ruffled his hair. He came home early cause he wasn't feeling good.

"Omg your place is dope af!" She said walking into my house. I laughed setting my stuff down and taking hers as well. "You thirsty or hungry?" I went to the fridge. "Yeah what you got?" Flopping on the couch.

"I don't drink sodas so I have water,juice,&tea." Looking in the fridge as if other shit is gonna pop up. "I'll take some water." I brought her water and head to my room. "Thanks for inviting me to your house. Its big and cute from what I'm seeing." She sips her water.

I came back in a wife beater,basketball shorts and huff socks. "Thanks you want a tour our naw?" I held my hand out. She took my hand and I gave her a whole tour of my home.

"So much space for one person. I wish I had a place like this." She said sitting on the couch. "You could crash here when ever you want too." I said walking to my 420 cabinet,Grabbing three HydroMate jars,my galaxy stash box/rolling tray&helix pipe.

After smoking for bout 20 mins I looked over to Taylor "Yo where is Roz &Mariah?" I asked taking another hit off my pipe. "Oh shit let me call them." She laughed. Damn she is so sexy but imma take my time with her, can't go to fast.

Taylor Pov:
Shit Rayé has that loud frfr,she's pretty chill we talked about alot of stuff. My eyes are damn near closed,but im very aware. They only bad thing about smoking is I have the double "H's". "Hungry&Horny" I been analyzing her whole body.

She has a whole tattoo sleeve on her right arm that actually starts on her chest. Its a buddhist themed sleeve with her mothers name down her forearm. I don't usually like gauges but the way they look on her sends chills up my body.

She doesn't even know what she is doing to me. "Yo where is Roz&Mariah?" She asked. I laughed cause she is high af. "Oh shit let me call them." I dail up Roz no answer, I do the same with Mariah.

"No answer babe." I threw the phone on the table. She smiled bitting her lip "Hmmm babe is it?" Omg I can't believe I let it slip like that. "Sorry bout that." I laid my head on her lap. Lightning up another blunt she played with my hair smiling. "You good ma. You way good."

After chilling and listening to her sing and play her guitar. Good lawd she can sing I was getting my own concert. I guess I lost the track of time. "Babe what time is it?" She laughed "Its 8:35 pm, do you need to get home?"

As much as I didn't want to go I had too. "Yeah I have to go handsome." I kissed her cheek getting up and grabbing my things. She slipped on her black joggers, hoodie &Jordan's.

"Your chariot awaits me lady" she bowed opening the door. "Thank you I'm flattered." I glide through the door. We get to the garage, and handed me a helmet. "What is this for?" I was confused. "We taking "Gypsy". " She pointed at the motorcycle.

I'd never been on one before,but I trusted Rayé. "You kill me and we fight when we get to heaven." I joked putting my helmet on. I told her were I lived and we took off, getting there in 10 minutes.

Where did you come from?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora