New school,New love?

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"Good morning my sweet Sky...wake up so i can see those hazel brown eyes. You know thats what makes your mama smile." I woke up to the sound of my moms voice. It's torture but its the only way I'll wake up. After 10 minutes of laying in bed i finally got up and did my hygiene routine.

"I'm a classic man, you can be mean when you look this clean. I'm a classic man." Jidenna blared from my beat pill to the bathroom atmosphere while I sang along. "Hmm what do to wear?" I asked myself as i walked into my closet.

I pulled out my white v-neck,black motorcycle jacket,black 507 Levis,&retro 6 Oreos. Moisturizing my curls I put my gauges,g-shock&chain on. "Ninja or firebird?........Haha Firebird today." I grabbed all my shit and left.

Ryder greeted me at the door with a hug. "I'm do happy you're taking me to school today." I smiled and ruffled his fro. "Lets go mini me." We hoped in "Black Dahlia " and drove off.

"I know you miss your mommy Rayé" Ryder said out the blue. "Yeah I do lil man. But as long as I keep her in my heart she will always be with me." I smiled and pat his knee. I drop him off and told him I would pick him up after school.

Driving ten minutes to MLK High, I finally arrived. This place is huge,two floors got damn man I'm gonna get lost. Walking to the office i got a couple of stares from some fine as ladies,& a few hating looks from the studs and niggas. Oh well I cant stop them from looking.

"Well hello you must be Skylar!!" A middle aged lady smiled behind her glasses. "Yes ma'am thats me. And you are?" I extended my hand out to shake her hand. "Ooo she has manners Dalores. And the name is Mrs. Thomas." We spoke for awhile than she handed me my schedule.

"Thank you Mrs. T" I was loving the classes I was in. "You can bring your stuff to your locker then head back here so your guide can give you a mini tour." She explained with a smile. I thanked her again walking out the door. I felt myself hit another body knocking stuff out of their hands. "Oh shit I'm sorry ma?" I apologized as i help the girl up.

Taylor Pov:
"Rodrick get your ass up boy!!! You already late nigga!!" I woke up from my day yelling at my brother. Doing my hygiene routine and getting dressed,I called Mariah.
Taylor&Mariah convo:
Mariah:Good morning boo.
Taylor:Good morning to you too. Are y'all on your way or do I need to drive?
Mariah:Girl we two blocks from your house just be outside.
Taylor: okay boo I'm grabbing my shit and heading out the door. See ya.
Convo ends

I step outside after telling everyone bye&saw Roz white Range Rover. I climbed in the back giving both of them hugs and kisses on the cheek. "Ooo y'all look cute matching and shit."
Mariah outfit:
Light color skinny jeans
White and turquoise baseball shirt
Matching Vans
Hair done in double french braids
Roz outfit:
Light Levi's
Turquoies and white baseball shirt
Matching Jordans& snapback

They thanked me and we talked about what classes we have together and the ones we don't. "Damn theres some new teachers." Roz sighed at the thought of new teachers to train.

"OMG!!! Mariah look at that sexy ass firebird over there." I was drooling over this damn car. They both laughed.  "What is so funny???Whos car is that?" I asked getting  a lil upset. "Haha that's Rayé's car." I automatically start to blush.

We all get out the car and go our separate ways."I hope i get to meet her today!" I yelled at Mariah. "You will girl trust you will." She yelled back. I entered the building,of course getting stares from niggas ugh why do they bother everyone knows I love women.

I was walking into the office when someone bumped into me,knocking me down. "Ow shit!" I say landing on my ass. Then a familiar voice said  "Oh shit I'm sorry ma." They helped me up and grabbed my phone and notebook.

Where did you come from?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora