Chapter Three (Picture of Abby Sciuto and McGee)

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NCIS Navy Yard

Washington DC, Capitol of the United States of America


"Miss Abigail!" Ducky announced as he started to enter the lab. "I have something of importance you must – "

He stopped short when he noticed the lab was empty. "Know," he finished to himself, looking around. Everything was really quiet since she wasn’t there.

The elevator doors opened, and Gibbs walked out, approaching Ducky. "Do you know where she is?" Gibbs asked, coming to his side.

"Unfortunately, I don’t have a clue," Ducky admitted, looking over Abby’s desk. "If I did, I would – "

He stopped again, seeing the handwritten message on the desk. "What?" Gibbs demanded, starting to walk over.

"Nothing, Jethro," Ducky replied, sighing and looking around. "It’s nothing."

Gibbs eyed Ducky, and the latter knew the former didn’t believe it. Fortunately, Gibbs didn’t press. "Just let me know if you have any idea," he told Ducky, then left.

Ducky watched Gibbs leave, then picked up the letter that was addressed to him.


Since you’re reading this, you’re probably wondering where the hell I am. Gibbs probably is, too. The photograph that Natasha told me to find has given me an idea.

I’m trying to find someone that could help her, and I need to do this by myself. If I ever need you, you will be the first to know. If Gibbs or anyone on his team finds out, tell them that I’m trying to find a cure for Natasha.

I’m not going to say anything else, except that this is probably the craziest thing I’ve ever done in my career.

Good luck, and tell Gibbs I’m sorry.


Ducky sighed, putting the letter down. "Abigail," he said out loud to empty air. "What have you gotten yourself into?"


Somewhere in the Streets

Calcutta, India

Not for the first time, Bruce Banner considered why he had returned to India after the Avengers Initiative.

Also not for the first time, he reminded himself that people on this side of the world needed medical help. That was the kind of doctor that he was.

He finished giving a vaccine to a young Indian girl. "There you go," he told her.

"Thank you," she whispered in Indian, then started to race out of the alley.

She bumped straight into a man dressed all in black. "Sorry," she whispered again, then dashed around the man and was gone from sight.

Bruce slowly straightened. The man looked up at him, then pointed after the girl. "That was nice," he informed Bruce. "What you did for her."

Bruce started. The man stepped into the light more – "Clint?" he asked in surprise.

Clint tilted his head. "Of course it’s me," he replied innocently. "Who else would it be?"

Bruce scoffed, starting to gather his things back up. "I was expecting the Widow."

"She’s out of action currently."

Assemble (Book Two of The Avengers Reports)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant