Chapter Five (Picture of Gibbs and Abigail Borin)

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NCIS Navy Yard

Washington DC, Capitol of the United States of America

"Tell me someone has something on where Abby and McGee are!" Gibbs finally snapped, standing up from his desk.

Tony looked up from his computer. "McGee hasn’t been home for two days, boss," he replied. "He’s nowhere on security cameras, either."

Gibbs looked over at Ziva, who looked up from what she was working on, too. "Abby’s cell phone has been turned off, and she hasn’t been home for three days," she replied.

"So in other words, they’re gone," Gibbs translated.

Tony nodded, looking miserable.

Gibbs sighed. "Look harder," he ordered, taking out his cell phone to call Fornell.

A thought struck him. Cell phone . . .

"Is McGee’s cell phone still on?" he asked, looking at Tony.

Tony blinked. "Uh, one sec. . . " He tapped a few keys on his board, then nodded, looking up at Gibbs. "His cell phone is still on."

"Didn’t McGee say that he put a tracker in all of our phones?" Gibbs asked.

Tony started to grin. "Yes, he did." He disappeared behind his computer, and there were a few beeps, and when Tony reappeared, he was grinning like a mad hatter. "Oh yeah! Tracking now, boss!"

"Good going, DiNozzo," Gibbs praised Tony as Duck walked up, looking at something in his hand.

Ziva looked over at the doctor. "What is that?"

"Oh, it is just something that Mr. Palmer wanted me to look over for Breena," Ducky replied absently, tucking what appeared to be a photograph into his jacket. "It is nothing of importance." He looked over at Tony’s computer. "And what are we doing here?"

"Tracking McGadget’s cell phone," Tony replied, grinning.

"He put trackers on all of our cell phones," Ziva explained. "Once we get the lock on his phone, we’ll be able to figure out where he is."

"And that is assuming that Abigail is with him," Ducky added.

"I sure hope so," Gibbs grumbled. "If not, I’ll kill him."

The elevator dinged, and Ducky started to put on his coat. "I’d best be leaving," he added. "I wish I could stay to help – "


Gibbs looked up when he heard Ziva say his name in a strange way. "What, Ziver?" he asked.

Ziva stood up from her desk, looking at the person that had exited the elevator and was arguing with the NCIS agent that had escorted her up. "When did the CGIS become involved?" she asked.

Gibbs straightened up and barked, "Hey!"

The NCIS agent turned, looking very pissed off. "She didn’t wait to go through the scanners!" he protested.

"She’s worked with us before," Gibbs snapped. "Go!"

"Yes sir," the NCIS agent grumbled.

As the agent left, Gibbs turned to greet the woman that had just exited the elevator. "Abigail Borin, what are you doing here?" he asked.


Ducky looked up as he watched Gibbs and Borin start to have a heated discussion about what sounded like the dead Navy SEALs. He picked up his hat and started to walk towards the elevator. He pressed the down button, and the elevator opened up instantly. As he went to get in, however, someone bumped into him.

"Oh, I’m sorry!" he gasped, backing away to let the other out. "I didn’t see – "

He stopped short, and the woman he had run into cocked her head. "Is everything all right, sir?" she asked in a commanding voice.

Ducky managed to nod his head. "Yes, I’m fine," he replied.

The woman gave him another look, then nodded and walked over to Borin. Ducky looked at her appearance: brown hair so dark that it was almost black, and eyes stormy gray. She also had a look of command around her.

He took out the photograph from his jacket, and compared her to one of the three women in the picture.

The CGIS agent under Borin was the agent back-to-back with Natasha Romanoff in the picture. They were an exact match.

"Oh, dear," he sighed as the elevator doors closed on him.


YAY! Chapter Five is up! Sorry if it seems short. The next few should be a lot longer, I promise. :) And the dedication for this chapter goes to QueenOfTheNerds1071 for her idea to track McGee's phone.

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