The Secret

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Chapter 4 - The Secret

Fawnbella Pov:

I wake up from the oddest dream. How ever odd it was it was also amazing. I never thought I could dream like that after all that i've been though. I look around and realize it's start light outside. Hm, I must have taken a nap. I hear a soft knock on the door and get up to answer it. "Hello Fawnbella. Are you well?" Mason asks when I opened the door. I made a small confused face, "Yes, thank you." He nods, "If you'll follow me to the study room, we all want to tell you something." I get even more confused and follow him down the hall. "Hello Fawnbella" Samuel said while smiling lightly to me. I blink slightly, "Hello." "Have a seat little miss." Samuel gestures to a chair. I hesitantly wondering what they tell me. I hear Samuel sigh, "Fawnbella, are you aware of magic?" I tilt my head confused, "I guess so.." "Well.. how do I put this.."

 I see Mason roll his eyes "Fawnbella you have powers." I stare at him wide eyed. "Well ya, just blurt it right out there for here Mason." Miya said. I see him shrug, "She was going to get told that either way." This time Miya rolls her eyes and waves a hand in front of my face as I stand there in shock with still wide eyes. "I think you put her in a bit of a shock." "She'll be fine." Mason said as he comes up to stand in front me and snaps his fingers in front of my face. "Fawnbella," he says a little loudly. I snap out of it and hake my head. "I'm okay, but.. what..?" I ask completely confused. "I have magic? Me?!" Pointing to myself. They nod as I stare in shock. "Wow...would never thought that." Samuel nods, "do you know who your parents are?" I shake my head, "I don't remember much before being here. I actually don't even know how I got here. I just woke one day around a cruel environment and hearing awful scream." I shudder at the memory. "Hm.. I wonder if somehow your memory was erased with getting here?" Samuel says and has a thoughtful look on his. I stare at him in confusion, "erased?" "Why yes dear. However you got here, which is a mystery in it self, you somehow got your memory erased or the memories have been blocked from your brain. Depending on how you got and who brought you here since it's nearly impossible for a human to pass realms without some help since they don't know where the many passageways are to be exact."  I blink at him and groan hiding my face in my hands, "I have a lot to learn." Mason chuckles, "You do indeed Fawnbella. And your training starts tomorrow." "Training?" I ask. "Why yes Fawnbella, you need to train your powers and strength and also study the world of magic and the realms." I groan again. Miya giggles. This going to be hard work. Better get my rest now before I cant. I sigh, "well do you mind If I go rest for the comming days?" "Go ahead Fawnbella. I'm sure you need it with everything you've just learned." Simon smiles gently to me as I wave a small wave to all of them heading to my room for that much needed rest.

(Sorry it's short :( I wrote this before dissappearing so i'll have a new one up soon and it'll be longer just wanted to finally finish this one and move on to the next one. Also tell me if something doesnt make sense since I kind of forgot at the moment what I was going with here.)

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