The Wonder

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                                                        Chapter 2 - The Wonder

He leads me to to an opening in the cave to a view like no other. I stare in awe as I stare at the kingdom and it's castle. The beauty and wonder is like no other I have ever seen. I look closer and see... animals on two feet and creatures!? Wait... humans that are part creature?! I yelp in surprise almost tripping before the man catches my arm. "Do not worry. They will not harm you." I nod timidly and follow him closely towards our way to the castle. As we're walking I notice the creatures, humans bow slightly, odd. There're many different creatures that we pass, horses, minxes, cougars, panthers, small pixes, and many other. I tilt my head with wide eyes looking at them. What is this world..? I hear a noise and look behind us to something sneaking in the shadows staring at me... what is it? I try to look closer when it disappears..weird. "Keep up, we're almost there." I turn back and hurry over to him walking closely by again. We stop and when I look up there are these gorgeous giant doors that shimmer with a white glow and have the most unique design that twirl and swirl the whole door. Wow. When I look back over I see the man has opened the door and is waiting for me to go in. Oh. I quickly head in and stare in more amazement. The inside is just.. wow I have no words for it, it has left me breathless. I see the design that was on the door with the same white glow all over the walls. Everything is like a shimmer almost like its not quite there but I can see it and when I touch it it's solid. Amazing. And when I look up I see am endless sky for the celling. I don't think my eyes could get even more wider and amazed. "Come." I stop looking at the celling and follow him down the hall.

As we walk down the hall I hear a scream and look over to see a cat type person leaping in the air to land on the man's back. "Mason! Where have you be you big goof?" So his name is Mason.. hm. He chuckles lightly, "Miya, was there a reason you jumped on my back?" "Yes! I missed you duh" Miya said. She looks over at me, "Who is this?" "Oh, i'm Fawnbella." I say shyly and notice they gave each other a look before Miya she holds out her hand, paw, "I'm Miya and as you can see i'm a human minx or a shape shifters I suppose." I tilt my head curiously and shake her hand, paw, back. She smiles, "don't worry, you'll get used to the creatures and all about this world soon." I flash a little smile and nod, not fully understanding her. "Come we're meeting someone" Mason said continuing down the halls with me shyly walking behind them. I see them whispering to each other... wonder what they're saying. We get to another door and step in the room to see a study room with books on top of more books and papers, maps, decor words are all over the wall, and chairs and couches by a desk where a man sat going over something intently. Mason clears his throat, "Samuel." The man, Samuel, jumps a little and looks up, "Mason, there you are" he bows slightly, "and ah the clever Miya." Miya laughs, "whatever you say, Sammy." He smiles then looks over at me," And who is this young lady?" "I'm Fawnbella, sir." "Oh?" He said giving Mason a questioning look and he nods slightly, Samuel's eyes shine a little and waves his hand over to the chairs, "come sit."

"Now, tell me about your self, Fawnbella?" Samuel asks as we all sit down. I look at him nervously, "um.. well I don't remember much of my self, sir." Samuel gets a curios look on his face, "Why ever not my dear?" I look away and quietly say, "I was... mostly in a dark place with.." all of a sudden I get a flash of a cruel face and cower in the chair. "Fawnbella?" I hear someone say but I don't answer from my scared like state. Someone gently puts a hand on my arm and I flinch back unconditionally. I shake my head and cleaning the face out of my mind and see their faces having concern for me. "I'm alright." I say quietly. "Maybe you should get some rest dear. Miya will show you the way." Samuel said still looking concern. I nod and follow Miya out to the halls.

"Are you sure you're alright?" I look up from looking down at my hands "Yes, I'm okay." I smile a little to show her that I am somewhat okay. She nods. "Um..." She looks over to me. "What exactly is a shape shifter?" I ask curious. She smiles, "Well basically we change from being human to creature or we can be both we chose to. We normally just like being human part creature around the kingdom to talk to each other and to be more human, but still have strong senses and still be close to our animal bond. Plus we're safe here so we don't need to worry about to much. We turn full animal when we feel in danger or out of the kingdom to run freely. We rarely go human, but when we do it's cause we enter the other world." "You have animal bonds?" "Ya, it's like having two people at once but the animal doesn't take over unless we alone it. The little ones are taught how to do just that. And bond can be very strong." Oh, and what did you mean about the other world?" "There are four worlds or realms. The first one is the human one, the second is dark with things I don't even know about." She shudders, "the third is this one were in now and the fourth one is pretty powerful and to deal with caution only certain people can enter it." "Wow" I say amazed. She chuckles, "you'll soon understand and learn all about them." "Alright" I say and we head down the hall. 

"There's your room, Fawnbella." Miya said stopping at a door and opening it to the room. "Thank you." I step in and look around to see the room is a low silver shimmer. "I'll get you something to sleep in." I nod a thank you as she steps out. I look more at the room and see the furniture is a grey shimmer. Wonder why everything shimmers. I sit on the chair to rest my feet, it's odd to think it hasn't even been a day since I ran through the forest to meet Mason and come here. I hear a knock and Miya comes in with some clothes, "here you go. The bathroom is just through that door so you can freshen up." I flash a small smile at her, "thank you." She nods and heads back out. I step into the bathroom and run a bath for my tired body, when the temperature is just right I slid in and instantly feel my muscles relax. I must have fallen asleep in the tub cause I awake shivering to the cold water. Wow I pretty tired to have fallen asleep in the bath. I get out slowly not to slip and dress for bed.

*From this chapter on well be written by me and my amazing friend. He has been assigned as my co-writer/helper. :)*

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