The Report

521 7 1

In a police station

"What's the stats, Jim?" George asks.

"20 dead, 10 injured. The first shooter comes in and killed 2 people. One girl delivering attendance to the office and another boy in the bathroom," He replies.

"What do you mean 'first shooter'?" George asks.

"Another boy apparently was in the bathroom and attacked the shooter once he killed the other boy," he takes a bite of his donut,"he somehow was able to get the gun and shoot the guy!"

"Some story..." George says hesitantly    

"As a twisted turn of events, the kid takes the ammo on the dead shooter, goes around and then becomes the shooter!"

"Some story..." George says louder.

"Finally, he enters room 224, Mr. Jersey's room, and kills himself. We retrieved the security camera data," he turns around to a TV and presses play


"Gian stop!" Jaden screams 

"I have to do this," he puts the gun to his head

"No you don't!"

"This has to be done,"

"No it doesn't"

"Don't shoot-"


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2015 ⏰

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