Chapter 6

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"Jay! What are you doing here?!" I said giving him a big hug.

"What? Can I not come see my baby sis when I want to?" He asked, sitting down across from me and closing my laptop.

"I mean I guess you can but I have a feeling you wanted to come make sure that I was okay after our phone call." I said, knowing that I was right.

"Well yeah maybe just a little bit of that too." He said, admitting it.

"I'll let you get by with it, this time." I said with a small smile, because honestly, I don't care why he came. I was just glad that he was here.

"Good. Now I have some news for you and you aren't going to like it." He said. I nodded. I knew what was coming even if I didn't want to hear it.

"Could we just have two hours before we get into the bad craps that has happened? Please?" I asked, wanting time with my brother without my past touching my future.

"Yeah." He answered simply. I know my past hurt him just as much as it hurt me. He has spent the last two years watching over me and protecting me.

"Wanna go to Starbucks?"

"Yeah let's go and then I want to show you this amazing spot I found a couple of days ago." I said hopping up and putting my stuff in my bag.

We walked to Starbucks in silence. He was my brother I didn't have to talk for him to know what was going on in my life and neither did he. We are closer than most sibilings and I live that about us. When we do get into a fight, which is rarely, it tends to be explosive. We made it to Starbucks and got out coffee ordered and then waited for about five minutes. After we got our coffee we headed to my spot by the pond. It was starting to get dark so we both pulled out our phones and turned our flashlights on. We made it to the pond within fifteen minutes. I sat down on the grass and then Jay sat beside me. He looked at me and I knew he was fixing to say what I had been dreading to hear for months.

"He got released Amy. I tried to stop it but I couldn't." Jay said grabbing my hand.

I took a shaky breath even though I knew it was going to happen. If I'm being honest, I've never been so terrified.

"Okay. So what does this mean?" I asked, weary of the answer I was going to get.

"I want to put you in a safe house for a couple of months. You know it's the safest place for you." He said.

"No I want live in another safe house, living my life surrounded by security. I want to finally be able to live again, to have my freedom, and not be hiding like some scared little girl." I said, refusing.

"I know if you don't want to agree to a safe house then I want put you in one, but I will put you on level one security whether you like it or not. That's the deal take it or leave it." He said, after thinking for a couple of minutes.

"What do you mean by level one? Explain the restrictions to me." I said, wanting to know what I was getting into.

"You will have tow agents with you at all times. You have to be back in your dorm by 8:00 pm and you can't leave before six in the morning, which means no five a.m. morning runs. Also no parties and you can't come out here to the pond." He said. I knew that this was the best deal I was going to get. He might be a little paranoid but better safe than sorry right?

"Okay fine." I said. He got on his phone and called in the people he needed.

"They will be here in fifteen minutes. Let's get back to your dorm." He said.

We stood up and started walking back to my building.

"I hope you know that you are explaining this to my roommates." I told him.

"Okay I will and if they don't like it we will transfer you to a single dorm." He said. I nodded, knowing better than to argue.

We got to my dorm and I opened it and walked in and turned the lights on. I stopped when I seen what was happenning. Nicole was in a full make out session with Dave. I didn't say anything. I just turned around and left.


Hey y'all so sorry it took me so long to update! But I hope y'all like it! Let me know what you think! Thanks love you all so much!

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