Chapter 1

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I walked towards my new dorm at my new college with my bags in my hands. My mom was going to help but honestly I can't handle her anymore. I want my life to change. I'm tired of living the way that I do. I hope my roommates are good and responsible unlike my old friends at my high school. I'm only nineteen and I didn't want to start college this early but I wanted to be as far away as possible after my last year of high school. I got to my dorm room and unlocked it with my key. Both of the bunk beds were already taken so I went headed and set the single bed with my stuff. I had just finished when the door opened again.

Two girls walked in. One had blonde hair and the other had brown hair and they looked like they have known each other for a while. "Hi, I'm Lauren." Said the girl with blonde hair. "I'm Nicole." the girl with brown hair said. They looked responsible enough. No piercings or tattoos or anything like my old friends. "Hi, I'm Amy." I said. They went to their beds and got on their phones. I went to my bed and pulled out my guitar and headphones and started working on the song that I was writing. After a while I was getting frustrated because nothing was working right. I took off my headphones, put my guitar up, grabbed my phone and key and headed out saying, " I'm going for a walk. " I walked around campus and came to a beautiful spot right outside the entrance of campus. It was just a little bit into the woods. I layed down on the ground by the pond.

I guess I fell asleep because when I woke up it was almost dark. I got up turned the flashlight on my phone on and headed back towards campus. When I made it back to campus I walked back towards my dorm. When I walked in the door I was bombarded with questions from Nicole and Lauren. "I was laying by a pond thinking and I guess I fell asleep." I said.

We all talked for a while about high school and I only let them know about the couple of good things like the sports I played. I think this is going to be good. At least I hope it will. This is my new beginning.


I don't know how well this story is going to turn out. I'm just making it up as I go but I hope you all like it. Thanks for reading!! Please comment and vote!!💜❤💙😲😲😲

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