New People... A Lot of New People... I Don't Like This...

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An hour later I was out of the hospital. I sat in the back seat while Kendall and Carlos sat up front. They were going on and on about the people I would be meeting. It sounded to me like I would be meeting a lot.

Kendall had two older brothers along with his parents. I remember him saying something about all their names started with a 'K'.

Carlos didn't say much about the people in his family, just about his girlfriend. Alexa Vega.

Logan had one little sister and both his parents.

James, they said something about an older brother, but that was all I heard.

I was quiet. They were mentioning a lot of people and I wasn't so sure about it. I have never really met a lot of people before. I only knew those who came to the orphanage, but they were just couples never a bunch of people at once.

"We're home!" Kendall called. I looked out the window to see Logan and James running to the car.

"Thea!"James and Logan said as I got out of the car. I smiled as they gave me a group hug.

"We are so happy you are alive!" James said.

"Can't... breathe..." I said.

"Oops." they both said as they let me go. I laughed and started walking to the house.

"Are you ready?" Kendall asked.

"Um.. sure." I said. Kendall smiled at me as we walked back into the house. Kendall opened the doors and I looked around. There were more then twenty people.

"Thea, this is our-" Kendall started to say, but I ran off to some part of the house.

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