Chapter Eleven: The Date

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Pearl's POV:

I felt bad for leaving Amethyst in my room all alone, but at least I knew that she had mother to keep her company. Aquamarine and I stepped into her car and she began to drive. "Where are we going?" I asked and Aquamarine looked at me with a smile on her face. "Elsewhere." She said, still smiling. We both were quiet the whole way there. I thought about Amethyst the whole time, wondering if she was alright.

"We are here." Aquamarine looked over at me with her bright, white smile. I tried to smile, but a sad feeling washed over me. It was like I did not want to go out with Aquamarine, but Amethyst instead. "Pearl?" She asked and I turned to face her. I looked at where we had stopped. "The roller rink?" I asked and Aquamarine nodded her head. I cringed because the roller rink that we stopped at was the same one I had taken Amethyst to. "Is everything alright?" She asked and I nodded my head. Aquamarine stepped out of her car and I did the same. "This is going to be so much fun!" She yelled and I forced a laugh. She picked me up and spun me around. After she put me down we walked inside. She handed the cashier the money and he gave us our skates. "Thank you." She said and the man smiled at us. We both put on our skates and headed for the roller rink. Aquamarine took a hold of my hand and we began to dance to the music. Aquamarine spun me around, just like Amethyst did when I took her here. I smiled at the thought of Amethyst. Slow music began to play. "May I have this dance?" Aquamarine put her hand out to me and I took it. "You may." She twirled me around and dipped me. She was smiling and I knew that I was blushing. She put her mouth right next to my ear. "I love you." My eyes widened and my mouth felt dry. "I-I love you too." She put her mouth right next to mine and kissed me deeply. I could not help it, but during the kiss, I thought of Amethyst.

Amethyst's POV:

I sat there playing the game, until Rose walked in. "How are you doing?" She asked and I forced myself to smile. "Fine." Rose gave me a look. "I do not believe that." She sat on the bed and stared at me. I paused the game. "I think I am in love with your daughter." I slapped my hand over my mouth when I said that. Rose began to laugh. "I figured that my dear." She smiled and I knew that I was blushing. Stupid feelings. "I don't know how to tell her." I felt tears form in my eyes. "It does not matter how you tell her, it just matters that you tell her." Rose giggled a little and I smiled and nodded my head. "You're right." Rose smiled at me. "Come on downstairs. I have some of my cookies that just came out of the oven and I think they have your name written on them." Rose hummed and I fist pumped the air. "Yes!" I yelled and Rose laughed. I ran downstairs and Rose came after me. I saw the cookies on a plate. "Thank you!" I took one of the cookies off of the plate and began to eat it. "I figured you would like them." She smiled. Outside, I heard a car door shut and I looked out of the window. It was Pearl and Aquamarine. I looked at Pearl and she was smiling. Aquamarine opened the door for Pearl. She stepped out of the car and hugged Aquamarine. She kissed Pearl on the lips and I felt my heart sink. Rose came in and looked out of the window. She sighed. "I am sorry my dear." I felt tears run down my face. I turned away from the window and Rose tapped me on the shoulder. "Look." I did as she told me and looked out of the. Pearl had gently pushed Aquamarine off of her. I tried to listen to what they were saying. "I am sorry Aquamarine, but I do not feel the same. I think I love Amethyst. I hope that we can still remain friends. I love you, but not in that way. You are my best friend." Pearl finished and my heart was pounding in my chest. Aquamarine had a look of anger and sadness on her face. "It is alright I just hope that you are happy." Pearl hugged Aquamarine. I looked over at Rose, who was smiling. "It appears that you still have a shot." She said and put her ark around of me. Pearl and Aquamarine departed from the hug. Aquamarine drove off and Pearl headed towards the house. Rose and I stood up and acted like we were eating cookies. Pearl walked in the door. My heart began to pound. I felt Rose squeeze my hand and I began to calm down a little. Pearl looked at Rose and I with a smile. "How did it go?" Ride asked. "It went well." Pearl looked at me and a blush crossed her face. "Hello Amethyst." She waved. "H-Hey P." I stuttered and mentally slapped myself on the forehead. I handed Pearl a cookie. "Thank you." She began to eat the cookie. I couldn't hold it in any longer. "I love you too!" I yelled and the atmosphere became very heavy. Pearl stared at me and I stared at her. I ran up to her bathroom and locked the door.


"Go away."

"Open the door." Her voice was firm, but gentle. I did as she told me and opened the door. I walked out and sat on her bed. I looked away from Pearl and I felt warm hands grab my face. Pearl brought my face close to hers. "I love you more than you could ever imagine." Her breath was hot against my lips. She kissed me and I kissed her back. I fell on top of her and I the bottom of her lips. This was going to be fun.

Author's Note: The next chapter is going to have a lemon in it. Just so you guys know. Thanks for all the reads! :-)

Opposites (Pearl X Amethyst)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant