Chapter Four: Take Your Shot

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Pearl's POV:

I felt sorry for Amethyst. She's abused and I can't do,anything about it. While her and I didn't get along, I still cared for her well being.

We were driving down the road and we eventually reached the skating place. Amethyst and I walked up to the counter and I paid for her. "Thanks P." She said and put her roller blades on. I put mine on and tied the shoelaces and I noticed Amethyst didn't have hers tied. "Do you want help?" I asked her and she nodded her head. "You should know how to tie your shoes." I said. "These are rollerblades." She said and started to laugh. I gave her a disapproving look and when I looked back down and smirked. "I saw that." Amethyst said. "Saw what?" I asked and she smiled. "You smirked." She said and my face felt hot. "Well...your rollerblades are tied, so stand up."
I said and Amethyst stood up, but wobbled a bit. "Let's go." I said. When Amethyst tried to move she fell. "Oof!" Then she began to laugh. I giggled a bit. I held out my hand. "Come on." I said in a mocking tone. She took a hold of my arm. I skated and she followed me on to the track. She began to lose her balance so I caught her. "Do you want me to show you?" I asked her and she nodded her head. I sat her down on the sideline and she watched me. I began to skate fast and jumped in the air and as I did I spun really quickly and landed on my right foot so that my left foot was at a ninety degree angle. I looked back at Amethyst who had her mouth open. I skated up to her and held out my hand. She grabbed it. "That was awesome!" She yelled in excitement. I felt my face get warm when she said that. "T-Thanks." I stuttered. She smiled at me and I pulled her up. We began to skate and Amethyst seemed to be doing a lot better. She suprised me when she lifted me up in the air by my stomach and she spun me around and dipped me. My ribbon flowed behind me as we danced. She twirled me again and released me and I jumped and spun in the air. I didn't noticed that the room went quiet. Nobody was on the track and they were on the sidelines staring at Amethyst and I. Amethyst and I looked at each other and I felt my face get warm. One person started to clap, then another person, and then everyone clapped and cheered for us. Amethyst skated over to me and lifted me up in the air. The crowd went wild and there was a few "Awwws" that made me blush. Amethyst put me down and she smiled at me.

We both skated off of the track. "That was fun." She said while I took off my roller blades. "Yeah, it was." I said with a smile. She smirked. She looked over at where the laser tag place was in the skating place and she smiled at me. "Ugh, fine." I said and she began to jump up and down. "Yes!" Amethyst said and she began to dance.

I paid for the vest and the guns and when Amethyst got into hers she ran. "Shoot me if you can!" She yelled while she ran off. I was blue and she was red. I smirked and pretended to cock my gun. "Trust me, I will." I smiled and ran off to find her. I always thought I was better with a sword, so I wasn't sure if I was going to win this battle. I heard giggles come from behind me. It sounded like they were from Amethyst. Then a red laser went right my me, barely missing me. I looked behimd me, but no one was there. Then I looked back in front of me and I saw Amethyst with her gun pointing at me. "Okay, you win." I dropped my gun and put my hands up. "Nobody said I was going to shoot." Amethyst said with a smirk. "Your shoes untied." I said to Amethyst and she looked down. That gave me the opportunity to pick up my gun and aim it at her. Amethyst began to laugh. "Are you going to shoot or stand there?" She asked and I took my chance. I shot her. She stood there and smirked at me. "And to think, I didn't think you would." She said. I started to giggle at her. "Do you want to leave?" I asked her. She bit her lip and I knew the reason why. "You can stay with me." I said. Amethyst looked up at me. "You sure?" She asked and I nodded my head. "Uh, that sounds nice." She smirked.

I returned the roller blades to the woman at the counter and we both left. It was now nighttime and we both headed back to my house. Amethyst looked out the window the whole time.

We both reached my house and I saw my mom reading a book as she usually did. Amethyst looked at me. "Your mother is Mrs. Quartz?" Amethyst asked and my mother giggled. "Indeed I am." Rose said. "I kinda figured that." Amethyst said. "You guys look alike to me." Rose smiled at Amethyst. "Make yourself at home." She said. "Come on Amethyst." I said to her and we both were headed up to my room. I realized that I didn't have anything for Amethyst to sleep on, that means that she was going to have to sleep with me...great.

Opposites (Pearl X Amethyst)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang