I ignored that she took my name and I shifted my eyes to somewhere else, she understood that I was not going to listen to her. Katerine mumbled to Caleb, "Caleb, why don't you take your Scarlet to dance?" Her eyes stayed on him, soon he gave in but unwillingly.

'Your Scarlet' seriously? Not his, I'm never going be his!

His hand was offered to me again, his eyes didn't stay on me though. It wandered on Irene and Katerina who just engaged in a conversation.

Their frowns told me that it was something serious. A part of me was curious, but then another part of me wanted to let it all go. Let that miserable life go and bury anywhere.

We walked towards the dance floor, the lights became more dim, the spot light fell on us. Making me bury my face in his chest slightly, his hands snaked around my waist and I, hesitatingly wrapped mine around his neck, my eyes weren't locked with his but I could feel him having his strong gaze on me.

The beautiful light, heavenly perfect tune of piano made the atmosphere sensual, intimidating and romantic but the sad part, we had nothing sensual and romantic. We were platonic. As we moved along the rhythm, the memories I spent in that mansion came flashing in front my eyes and I squeazed my eyes, holding back the tears.

My heart pounded faster, but I tried hard to ignore all those emotional breeze that were hitting me. How could I forget that house? How!? Even though, never had anything worthy enough to remember but still, it was my home. They were my family.

Caleb's hands got off the waist, I unwrapped mine from his neck, he held my palms and that moment, his touch was gentle, he slightly pushed me backwards then he immediately pulled me into him and I felt myself stuck to him, he held my waist and pulled me up. I heard some whistles from the guests. Crazy!

After staying in that position for few seconds, I was on the dance floor with my feet planted on them, finally. Not in his arms. He extended and then spun me, then again I was pulled by him in to him.

That time, he didn't pick me up, he just let me stuck to him and him to me, my right hand was on his shoulder and the other one was in his hand, our fingers entwined making me shudder on my place. The tingling sensations that took birth and felt inside my body when I felt myself being too consumed by his touch.

Our eyes finally met, we finally felt the spark that caused when his eyes met mine. The cold blue eyes turned to softer blue ones, like he usually had. Like the first time I bumped into him and I saw those soft, calm eyes. As music rhythm quickened, we swayed along the rhythm. His lips were pursed, sealing so much inside them. Mine were just sealed, they had nothing to say.

Because I knew, my words wouldn't have effected or changed any of that. The jaw that was tightened was at ease, Caleb was relaxed. He wasn't angry. He was confusing me, at one moment, he was all angry and the other so mysterious and sometimes calm too.

He was really a mystery that I wanted to solve when I saw him first but that moment, I had no desires of exploring his real soul behind that invisible and silent soul. But that time, my soul was also silent to the situations. To my first kiss, and then my first dance with him. I kissed someone first time even though I didn't like him. I was dancing the first time with someone even though I didn't know him. My cruel cruel fate! Why it had to bring Caleb in my life? Why?

I didn't notice but some tears without any warning streamed down to my cheek, and it happened when I was peering at him and he was staring at me back with his eyes holding so much intensity. It was embarrassing, it was so painful for me to open myself, to show my weakness, to show my misery in front of him. I never liked to express.

But It just happened, like things happened without warning in my life. All I knew that I had tears and pain written in my fate more than anything. He saw those tears, good thing that he didn't shoot a sympathetic look at me. He just looked on, his gripped tightened on my waist though.

But it didn't hurt, it just seemed like he held me when I was about to shatter down in more pieces. 

Suddenly, he twirled me around and then my back faced his chest, his hand rested on my stomach and his face was slightly buried in my neck. I closed my eyes, I didn't want to feel any of that was happening. Because, there was something different happening as well.

His touch, his touch was happening. The way he just held me sent those sparks that tingled on my body. Unknown of what they were, I just shrugged them off but they were not gone. His impact wasn't gone. I felt his hot breath on my neck and I ignored, that was my strategy to live the six months with total stranger; ignore. I was about to ignore everything since then.

As I felt that lights started opening, and the spot light was gone so did the music. We parted away, the guests looked on at first but then thier whispers and clapping voices surrounded the hall. Making me more nervous. Nervous than ever.

I moved my eyes towards Caleb, I saw him looking at Irene. I thought about his words, 'Irene, I am doing this for you only'. The pain that was already causing a wreck in me, it grew more seeing them staring at each other like that. He tore his eyes from her and immediately peered towards me, I looked away.

I didn't want to get mesmerized by those eyes that held a mystery inside it, because mysteries used to attract me, they used to hook me and entice me but I didn't want Caleb to hook me, entice me, attract me because if he did, the time after the six months would probably be the worst and hell difficult for me which I didn't want.

I remembered myself being captivated by those eyes when he came to home day before that day, when he walked to me to say 'good bye' and I was so busy in looking and getting lost in those ocean like eyes that I didn't even hear what he said and I didn't even realize he left.

But there was a difference, he was not my husband then. But that moment, he was my husband. To add fire to the fuel, the six months deadline came rushing to my mind.

I wondered why Mr and Mrs Pierce asked my parents to marry his son with one of their daughters, if his son wasn't interested. Guest were having their drinks as it was already 8 or something, dinner was about to get served but before that, the stupidity and the fake drama started. Irene came towards mike, I wondered that what she was gonna say.


Reviews and Votes :)

Caleb and Scarlet---> Calet? or Saleb? (I think #SALEB is better)

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