Irresistible (revised)

Start from the beginning

"Okay, I know I'm irresistible but you have to be able to be away from me for more than an hour." He tells me while giving me his smirk and  laughing at my face.

"And I thought you loved me." I tell him with a pouty face.

"I do, I love you more than anything." He tells me while he moves to leave, but I catch his hand at the last moment.

"You aren't going anywhere." I tell him while pulling him back down.

"Katniss, Katniss!" Prim yells running into mine and Peeta's house. The last time she came running into our house with a screaming voice, Peeta was being whipped. My blood runs cold at what could be wrong now. I practically fall off of my chair in my haste to reach her. When my eyes meet hers and I see no scratches, my heart rises just the slightest. Her blue eyes aren't filled with worry and sorrow, but they are beaming with joy and happiness.
"They sent us home early today for a mandatory viewing. I think it's going to be your wedding dresses!" She squeals with desire at the thought.

"Prim, that was only yesterday. They can't possibly be ready to show the world the pictures yet." I tell her in hopes of not only convincing my little duck, but myself as well. I hear the door open and close once more, and this time there is no screaming. Until Prim sees who it is.

"Peeta, Peeta, Peeta!" She yells running into the foyer and jumping in his arms. As Peeta swings her around, a smile forms on my lips of him doing this with our child one day. I continue to hear them laughing and talking, while I make the tea and set out a few cookies.

"What!" Peeta asks excitedly, although I can see he is exaggerating just for Prim. When we came back from the games he not only got closer to me, but also to Prim. In a different way of course. After admiring their relationship I asked Prim one day why she got so close to Peeta. Her answer has stuck with me even now.

"Because Katniss, sooner or later he is going to be my big brother and I want to be the sister he never had."

I'm torn from the memory of the sight of them each taking a cookie and crushing it in their mouths. Their golden hair and bright blue eyes shine as they talk. They share looks, personalities, and even beliefs, yet in my mind they are completely different. She's the little sister I can't let go of and he's the man I'm in love with. I guess Prim was right, he is her brother now.

"Hey babe." Peeta gives me a peck on the lips and laughs at Prim's face.

"Eww, you guys!" She says while her face turns red. While most people would laugh it off, this acutely makes me happy. To know that my little duck is still sure that boys have cuties.
"I told Katniss that they are having a mandatory viewing tonight and I think it will be her wedding dresses! Isn't that so exciting." She tells us as she explains to Peeta all about the dresses. The pearls that drape off of my dress, or the lace that hangs around my veil.

"Prim, I wouldn't get too excited about this. It probably is just an announcement about the Capitol." I tell her. She rolls her eyes and grabs another cookie before getting down from her stool.

"Katniss, you're such a fun sponge. Always taking away the exciting things in life." She says while waving bye and leaving the room. Peeta laughs and I give him a glare, daring him to laugh at me again.

When we gather around the television at seven-thirty that night, we see Caesar Flickerman on screen gushing over wedding dresses. Prim begins to gush about each dress, while Peeta merely smiles, though his arm tightens around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. I rest my head on his shoulder as we continue to watch my photo shoot. At the end, the crowd is in tears at the sight of the final picture.

I'm laying on the couch with the pearl wedding dress shining in the sunlight, but my smile is radiant. And it's not because I'm in a photoshoot, but because Peeta is laying next to me. Blue eyes are meeting grey eyes and the intensity between them does not go unnoticed. His hand rests below my belly button, on top of our child. The child that Panem now knows about.
"Wow, that's my favorite. You look so happy." Prim tells us as she melts at the picture.

Finally, it's over, though Caesar reminds the audience to cast their final vote by noon tomorrow. I'm just about to tell Prim to turn off the television when Caesar tells us to stay tuned. "That's right, this year will be the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Hunger Games, and that means it's time for our third Quarter Quell!"

"That isn't for months, what are they doing?" I ask no one in particular. My mom turns to face me and has a solemn look on her pale face.

"It must be the reading of the card." She tells us. As if on cue, the president himself walks out onstage with a small wooden box. We all know what's inside, it's the announcement of how he is going to ruin our lives this time.
He speaks about the previous quells, what they did to deserve it and what the card had in store for them that year. My ears tune out, that is until he says the third quarter quell.

"And now we honor our third Quarter Quell," he says, actually having the gall to smile, and I can't help but feel he is smiling just for me. He unfolds the envelope gingerly, and immediately reads, "On the seventy-fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the districts that even the strongest among them cannot overcome the power of the Capitol, the male and female tributes will be reaped from their existing pool of victors."

My mind goes blank. For a moment, nothing processes. But then I hear a cry somewhere in the room and Prim buries her face in her hands. Peeta's fingers tighten around mine and that is when it all clicks in my brain. I make one awful conclusion.

I'm going back into the arena.

Flee. Run. Get out there.

It all runs though my head, but a pair of strong arms wrap around me and keep me grounded.

A.N. Hey everyone! So yes I did do this. I know I know I'm awful for sending her back to the arena, but I couldn't resist! Who knows, things might be different. Do you think she'll make it out? So she is currently 3 months pregnant. (12 weeks.) Hope y'all are liking the story so far!

Quote from next chapter comes from.....Gale!
"I know her better, and trust me when I tell you that she is in the woods."

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