» Eighteenth Nothing

Start from the beginning

The only thing I remembered was Hilary who was trying to moderate my drinks but she failed because I avoided her the whole party. I wanted to drown myself in alcohol because Quinn rejected me. And then my anger intensified when I saw Bailey was flirting with this guy while my holiday girl was watching sadly. I tried to give her moral support but she ended up avoiding me, too. And then... and then!

Yes, Olivia! Olivia forcibly kissed me in the garden and Quinn saw it. And, and... Nothing. Dammit! I couldn't remember a thing after that. Why was my brain chose to erase that important part?

Groaning, I finger-combed my smooth hair and quickly headed out downstairs. I needed to ask Quinn about it. If we did it, then why did she stop now? I was so turned on so what was the reason she didn't continue to explore more. Officially once again, she got me emotionally mind-f*ck by her sudden attempt of making me insanely crazy for her.

Once I made the last step down to the stair, I halted, remembering yet again what Quinn had said to me before she shut the door. Oh my god! Did she say 'girlfriend'?

A perky grin appeared on my lips. I couldn't believe we're finally together. However, I needed to scan my memories of what happened last night. Now, I was getting paranoid about how did we get together. How did she become officially my girlfriend? And did we go all through the way unlike what happened a while ago? I was just wearing my underwear when I woke up so I must be too drunk for us to continue. But we also could do it even if I was wearing my undergarments, right? Moreover, she was naked. I quote 'entirely naked.'

A sound of boiling water took me out of my mess up thoughts so I followed the repeated noise and spotted my girlfriend in the kitchen waiting for the water to heat up. My girlfriend? That sounded so right.

I smiled when she noticed me looking at her so she gave me a sweet one in response. She hopped from the barstool and went closer to pull me to sit me in one and I obediently obliged because of the simple fact that she was now my girlfriend.

"Coffee?" she asked, giving me a peck on my lips and I nodded so she got busy herself pouring hot water in the cup she already prepared aside.

My eyes swarmed down at my girlfriend's proportional body. If we did it last night, I wondered how it felt like to be inside her. To hold her all through the night and kiss her until we were out of breath. Oh my god! Really, Arisa? You're such a pervert.

I cleared my throat, fidgeting in my seat. She tilted her perfect body to me and I couldn't help myself to imagine how she looked so faultless without her clothes on. "Quinn, t-the truth is I don't remember what happened last night?" I started, trying to hide the desire around my voice.

She let out a huge breath and put the two cups of coffee on the table before she turned to me. Two arms of her enveloped my waist as she raised her head, pressing herself between my legs. "What part of last night you don't remember?"

Biting my lips, I gazed down at her confused expression. "W-well, after the part when Olivia... w-when she­­—"

"When she kissed you," she finished for me, shifting her stare down like she was disappointed.

I winced. "I'm sorry that you had to see that. I mean, I'm sorry for lying to you about the rumors. The truth is, at first, y-you became my target but I realized that I really like you and it would be unfair if I hide the truth from you."

She stayed silent so I restlessly continued, "I-I'm really sorry for everything. I know I messed up and you probably don't trust me anymore but... but I—"

"I won't forgive you," she suddenly interrupted, cutting me off and I felt a sting on my heart for her daring answer. "Unless you promised not to cheat on me," she finished, tilting her head up to look at me.

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