"Well you see guys," I answer with a fake concerned smile. "Collin was just so upset. It was so sad to see him that way, so I comforted him until he was calm enough to tell me what was wrong, and you know what he told me?" They all nod, completely enraptured in the story.

"He said: why are there so many blonde bimbos in this school?" I tell them with a fake shocked face. They narrow their eyes in fury, but had to let it go since the teacher came in and told them to sit down or they'd get detention.

By the end of the day I am practically bouncing with excitement at finally being able to hang out with Collin at Noah's house. Collin and Noah go into a black Lamborghini and tell Amy and I to follow them to the house.
It wasn't a long drive, maybe about 10 minutes, but the change in scenery was drastic. The hot California sun still beating down on our necks, but there was a slight cooling from the shade of the overhead trees, and a relaxing lake glistened in the distance. This was a place where people went when they had money but didn't feel the need to flaunt it with gaudy mansions. Already, Noah's parents are on my good side, and by the smile on Amy's face, I can tell they were on hers now too.

We turn into a gravel driveway and a beautiful modern home appeared when the trees cleared. It was the perfect mix of modern architecture, comfort, style, and warmth. We get out of our cars and the front door swings open revealing a smiling middle-aged woman with a little boy on her hip clutching a teddy bear in his little fist.

"Hello there!" She said jovially. "It's so nice to meet you girls! After all the talking these two boys have been doing about you, I feel as if I've known you forever!"

Amy and I laugh as the boys' cheeks got red from embarrassment.

"Hello, Mrs. Steinfeld. It's a pleasure to meet you too." I say as Amy repeated the greeting. Mrs.Steinfeld shakes her dirty blonde hair and puts her free hand on top of her heart.

"Please girls, call me Jenna! Whenever someone calls me Mrs. Steinfeld I feel like my mother in law, and trust me, that is not a good thing. Now come in, come in! Make yourselves at home."

We all came through the door and see a wonderfully decorated home and heavenly smells coming from a high end kitchen. The little boy on Jenna's hip squirmed to get down, and immediately ran toward Noah who grabbed him and swung him around. He then brings him over to where Amy and I are standing with smiles on our faces.

"Ladies, this is Sam, my little brother. Sam this is Stephanie and Amy, some friends from school." He said. Sam looks at us with the same bright blue eyes of his brother and sticks his hand out for us to shake. We hide our grins at how cute he is and shake it, then settle on the floor to hear him talk about his teddy bear, Speedy(he's as fast as a rocket!), in his adorable seven year old voice. Suddenly, a man wearing an apron comes out of the kitchen and walks over to us with a big smile.

"Hello ladies! I'm Jonathan, Noah's dad. It's so nice to meet y'all, especially the dancer my son won't shut up about." He says with a twinkle in his hazel eyes as he looks at Amy and a charming southern accent. Noah groans and put his face in his hands, complaining to his dad that he was embarrassing him. Amy looks at him with amusement as Jonathan gives out a big, booming laugh.

"Daddy, I want food!" Little Sam says with a stomp of his foot for emphasis. Jonathan laughs again and picks him up.

"No worries, Sammy, your mom's just putting the finishing touches on it. Why don't you go tell Serena to come downstairs?" Sam nods and runs up the grand staircase, and Jonathan steered us all into the dining room. It was a spacious room with warm colors and an oblong table that was filled with scrumptious looking dinner. My stomach grumbled at the sight and my cursed redhead insta-flush cheeks blushed at the laughter I received.

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