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Monroe POV

So it's been a week Kajai caught me Appling got a job. Of course he was pissed and didn't me to have one. I explained why I wanted to get one he understood then. I still haven't talked to Yani or the others. After hearing what yani said I just didn't talk to them. So right now I'm looking at stuff for Kajai's birthday. I don't know what I'm going to do Kajai said that someone's coming over to see me I should just let them in. He also said that it's a female and that if a male shows up call him.

Now back to his birthday i know he's turning 24 so it needs to be good. I already found the DJ and everything. I just need to find a club to rent out for him. I heard a knock on the door so I went and opened it.

When I opened it I saw Yani and Jude standing at the door. I immediately tried to slam it shut but yani caught the door before it closed.

"If your here to insult me on how I'm a bad girlfriend I don't need it I'm busy and Kajai's not here right now"

"We know and we're sorry matter a fact I'm sorry Monroe I didn't mean to say what I said I was just upset and I took it out on you no one feels that way about you I promise" yani said like she was on the verge of tears. I opened the door wider and she smiled. I closed the door and looked at them Jude looked a little bigger since she's 4 months.

"So I've been wanting to tell you this but you've been ignoring me so I went to the doctor and in having a girl" I started screaming a clapping.

"A GIRL... ooh what my brother say about that" they laughed and sat down on that he couch

"He doesn't know I want to tell him later but that's the thing she might come early she's growing to fast the doctor said she might come 2 months early and she might have to have surgery I'm scared though that's why we're going to the doctor today to make sure everything is ok" Jude said I gave her a hug I hope the baby is ok

"So what's her name" I asked rubbing her stomach. She smiled and looked down

"Jhéda Tiara Jackson" yani started clapping amd we both looked at her.

"Girl what you clapping for" I asked laughing.

"Coz she got my middle name the fuck she gone be cute as life"I laughed at her and went to put in some clothes.

I pun on my black tank top with my shorts and my sandals. I put my hair in a messy bun and went downstairs.

"ight let's go" we walked outside and I told them I would drive but Jude would give the directions.

"Ok turn right here and it's the building on the left" we walked into the doc office and of course we had to wait a little.

"So Mo what you gon do for my brother Bday" I smiled when I thought about it. I was thinking of giving him all of Me as my last present of the night.

"Well first off I was going to pay for all of us to go out if town to New Orleans and there's this very nice hotel there I got all of us out own rooms and the morning of his birthday I was going to have this big breakfast for him and then take him shopping and spend the day with him and then that night we were going to go to this huge club down there that I rented for him and then after that we were going to go back to the room and you know..." they started squealing and all that good stuff. Then the doctor called us back so we could see my little niece.

"Ok which one of you is Jude Mickelson" Jude raised her hand and smiled.

"Ok so it seems like your baby is growing extremely fast so she's going to be premature maybe 2 months from now she'll be ready to make her big entrance and we did the test turns out your baby girl doesn't need surgery when she arrives we did have a little spook because of the growth but she's fine would you like to see her" we all let out a sigh of relief and Jude nodded her head. Then she laid down and lifted her shirt to her boobs and he squirted some gel stuff on her stomach. Then a little baby showed on the screen. I smiled

"Aww look at her she gon be so spoiled when she come" I said looking at Jude she just smiled and nodded her head.

"Can I have pictures thus time I'm going to tell him it's a girl" the doctor went and got the pictures and Jude cleaned her stomach and stood up. Then my phone rung and I knew it was Kajai from the ringtone.


"Hey baby where you at"

"I'm at the hospital"

"What happened why you at the hospital you hurt or something do I need to come get you"

"No baby I'm fine I'm here with Jude and Yani checking on the baby"

"Oh I almost pissed my pants girl"


"Nah I'm playin witchu but that did scare my ass fr"

"Ok well baby I'm finna go home ok see you when you get there"

"Ight love you"

"Love you to"

Then he hung up and I went back in the room. Jude got her pictures and then we went back to my house. They go in their car and went home I made dinner and went and took a shower. After my shower I watch a little Vampire Diaries and The Original. I know what yall prob thinking but shit these my shows. Then I went upstairs and went to sleep because Kajai still wasn't home.


Ok ok don't bite my head off but I've been failing one of my classes so I haven't really been writing I been trying not to get my ass beat for Failing shit but anyway I hope yall liked this chapter I know it's probably crappy but I tried the next chapter gon be better promise

But please vote and comment thank you


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