Meeting The Family

Start from the beginning

"I'll be right back," He said before walking off with his uncle.

"Come on Chanel, all the ladies are in the kitchen making the food. Can you cook?" Ms. Michelle asked.

"That happens to be one of my specialities." She responded while following Ms. Michelle inside her house. Her home was beautiful and big. She had open windows, large glass chandeliers that dangled and the finest looking furniture. Her place was beautiful and looked like it cost a couple million.

Chanel entered the house and followed Ms. Michelle into the kitchen. There was about eight woman in the kitchen. Some were cooking, some were laughing and joking and one woman looking to be in her late teens sat on a chair holding a small baby girl in her arms. Soon as Chanel walked in, all eyes were on her.

"Ladies, this is Devin's girlfriend Chanel. This's her first time coming around the family so let's introduce ourselves to her." Ms. Michelle smiled.

"Hi Chanel." The young girl holding the baby said, smiling.

"Hello, what's your name?" Chanel asked since she didn't have anything else to say.

"I'm Tiana," the girl answered.

"Chanel can you make the baked ziti?" Devin mama asked.

Chanel nodded and washed her hands in the sink. She excused herself and started on the food. First she boiled the noodles then she made the ground beef and sauce. After doing that, she poked the noddles and ground beef on top of each other before spreading cheese and a few spices to enhance the flavor. Then she picked up the pan and placed it in the oven on 350 degrees.

While the food cooked, the ladies in the kitchen laughed and had female discussions. Chanel sat down at the table with Devins family and laughed along with them. They were really cool.

"So how old are you?" Devins aunt, Rhonda asked.

Chanel sat her phone down on the table. "I'm twenty one."

"Tell us about your background, your childhood and family." Rhonda asked again.

"Well I'm the only child from my mother and father. I'm originally from Trinidad but when I was five I moved to Queens New York. I've always had a passion for nursing and helping out others. When I was in high school I was on the schools dance and cheer team. After high school, I went to University of Southern California for four years and earned my bachelors in nursing. Right now I'm enjoying life and within the next year, I plan on starting my career. I have no kids and Devins my first official boyfriend."

"What about your parents?" Devins other aunt Stacey asked.

Chanel chuckled. "My mother was also a nurse. She retired last year and my father is an entrepreneur. He owns his own businesses and which Devin works for one of his businesses. My mom helps my dad with his businesses while also being a wife around the house."

"You a virgin?" Stacy asked.

"Yes...." Chanel answered dryly.

"I'm back ma." Devin said while walking through the door. Chanel felt like a weight lifted off her shoulders when she heard his voice. This damn family of his was drillin her like crazy.

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