The Concert

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The two of you head for the doors. She hand you your ticket and puts the VIP lanyard around your neck. She had told you that you wouldn't get to see them until after the concert. She also told you she wanted to be the last in line so they could have more time to talk, since they were staying in town for now and they didn't have to leave immediately.
Finally you get to the front door and after waiting in line. You walk through the metal detectors and walk inside. You lead her to a small clearing off to the side out of the crowd.
"Okay. So are seats are right at the bottom of the lowest set of bleachers or whatever they're called. We can head there in a minute. First, do you want any food? And second, the jacket." She says. Annoyed you take the jacket off and decide to tie it around you waist.
"Yes. I would love to eat something. I did sleep all day."
"Okay. I'm buying. Let's go find some food." She says as she drags you to the consession stands. She orders fries and drinks. A coke for her and (f/soft/d) for you. Then it's on to the seats.
By the time you've made it through the people and gotten to the stairs, the two of you had already finished all of the food and drink. You throw it all away and head down the stairs.
It takes a while but you make it to the seats. And you have to admit they are good seats. To you even better than seats on the floor. About five minutes after you sit down the lights start to dim. And people start screaming, or yelling more like it. A recorded voice comes over the loudspeaker.
"Now presenting....Pentatonix!!!!!!"
And another chorus of screaming. And then they walk out on stage. First is kevin. Then Avi. After that Kirstie. And then Scott and Mitch walk out. You breathe catches in your throat. They sure do look different. But you can still tell that it's them.
"Hey guys! Thank you so much for coming! We hope that you will enjoy the concert!" Scott says into his mic.
"You guys ready?" Mitch says. More yelling follows. "Let's get this thing going!" He yells. More screams.
First they start out with their new single, Can't Sleep Love, which isnt to bad. Then they sing evolution of Michael Jackson along with Stars and Rather Be. They sing some others and then it's time for their last song.
"Time for the last one of the night." Kirstie says. A chorus of boos follow.
"Don't worry. We saved the best for last." Mitch says. And then there are more screams. They had saved the main song, On My Way Home, for last.
"Okay so, people on the floor will sing this part with me." Scott says. Then he sings I'm on my way in a low key.
"Then you people in the top section will sing with me." Kirstie says. Then she sings the same thing in a higher key.
"And everyone in the middle will sing this with me." Mitch finishes. He sings the word oh with multiple note changes. "Everyone will start singing their parts during the chorus okay? Ready?" More and more screams. And then they start the song.
When the chorus comes up (fr/n) makes you sing with her. You do, just not that loud. You can't help but smile at everyone and how crazy they are for their group. Then the song ends and they end it.
(Fr/n) tells you to wait as the lights come on. You wait for it to clear up and she leads you to where you will meet the group. You make it there and find that there are only about 8 groups or singles waiting in a line.
When you are one away from the front you cover up your face with your hair and wait for the door to open and for it to be your turn. It's taking everything in (fr/n) not to scream. She is already jumping up and down. You'll have to calm her down once you make it inside.
The door opens and the other person comes out (fr/n) goes in, you right after her. The first people you see are Kevin and Avi. Then Kirstie. And after that you see Scott and Mitch. Once again you can't breathe. You know its stupid but you can't help it.
"You two the last of them?" Kevin asks. You nod you head. (Fr/n) is to busy fangirling over Scott to even notice. The two of them strike up a conversation and then Kevin, Avi, and Kirstie start talking to each other, noticing you don't really care. Then you notice Mitch looking at you. He walks over.
"Hey, I'm Mitch. Well you probably know who I am. Anyways, you a fan?" He asks. He has no idea how much you know. But you answer his question. "Not so much as my friend over there." You say smirking.
He laughs. "Yeah, I kinda guessed that. So, you're name is?" You stare at him dumbfounded. Should you lie? You go with no. Might as well.
"(Y/n)." You say. He seems slightly confused. "That name. I used to have a friend with that name." He says. You have to think of something to say. Crap.
"Well, it's not like I used to know you so..." He looks up at you.
"What's your last name if you don't mind me asking." That's when Avi notices him prying for info.
"Hey Mitch, if she doesn't want to tell you she doesn't have to."
"Sorry. I was just asking." He says disappointed. He turns away. You can't help it.
"(L/n). My full name is (F/n), (m/n), (L/n)." He turns around after you say that, surprise in his eyes.
Then Scott turns around, hearing you surprise in his eyes too.
"(Y/n)?" Mitch asks. You nod your head. "Its been so long since I've seen you."
"Well its not like you paid much attention the last time I saw you. You too Scott." They both look down.
"Wait, is this the girl that you told us about?" Kirstie's asks. You look at Mitch, surprised. He blushes. "Yes."
"You told them about me? What was there to tell?" You ask him. Honestly he didn't know much about you that you knew of.
"Just that the three of us used to hang out together until those idiot teachers held you back for no reason." Scott answers for Mitch.
"It's not like you were delayed or anything." Mitch says.
"Well, now I have a masters in acting and a doctorate in music. I graduated a year and a half ago. We just finished filming for the movie I am in this week." You say.
The all stare at you like you just exploded. They must've thought that you just had a menial job but apparently they were wrong.
"What?!?" Scott and Mitch say in unison. If anything they should be the most surprised. They never knew about your hobbies.
"I'm a professional actress now. I also have a few songs that I've written and sung. I play both piano and the guitar. Do you two just think that I wasn't into performing arts anymore?" You ask.
"Well, I never thought you would major in it." Scott says. Mitch is too shocked to say anything. He seems like he wants to say something but can't get it out.
"Since you are a professional actress have you worked with some of the popular actors?" Kirstie asks. She seems exited.
"You turn towards her to answer her question. "I have worked with Angelina Jolie as well as with Morgan Freeman, Tom Hiddleston, and the movie I just finished was with Benedict Cumberbatch. We actually hang out together outside of the set sometimes." Her eyes widen and she gasps.
"Do you think you could get me an autograph?" She asks you.
You laugh while Avi elbows her but she's oblivious. You don't mind but its not like you would see them anytime soon.
"Are you still living in town? Or have you moved to the city since then?" Mitch says. He finally asks you something.
"I, well we, live right outside the city." You answer. He seems almost hurt by not knowing anything about you. You have changed a lot since you had last seen each other.
"Well... If I give you my number can we get in touch soon? I want to talk to you about some stuff. And get to know you better since its been so long. Me and Scott both probably." He nods to Scott who nods back at him. Mitch seems really expectant of you. And (fr/n) is practically telling you out loud to accept his offer. Relentless to agree you answer anyways.
"I guess. But no promises."
"Thank you. Just let me write it down." He walks over to the table and scribbles something down. (Fr/n) scrambled over to you and starts fangirling and practically screaming in your ear.
"Why didn't you tell me? You should have told me that you knew them!" She yells/says. 4 out of 5 of the group are looking at you.
"What, so you could've pestered me about until I gave you the number that I didn't have! You wouldn't have let me protest! Don't even try and deny it!" You yell. Now even Mitch is looking at you. You run your fingers through your hair. You hate the way she's reacting.
"How do I know that you really did know them and that you aren't claiming to be someone you're not?" She asks. You gasp in shock. She really just went there.
"Want me to prove it?" You turn towards Mitch. "So I don't look like I used to do I?" He shakes his head no. "Well here. Let me fix something." You grab your contacts and glasses case out of you purse. You take out your contacts and then pull your hair into a high ponytail and throw your glasses on. They look almost exactly the same as your old ones. You take off your purse and set it down as you turn to face both Scott and Mitch.
They both gasp in shock. "Oh. My. God. You look. Exactly like you used to. Your eyes. The hair. The glasses. Wow." Mitch says. You look over at Scott. "You look. Yeah I agree with Mitch. Like the exact same person." He says. The other three seem confused at what's going on. You turn towards (fr/n), sad, and ask if that was enough proof. Seeing their reactions.
She walks over to you. "I am so so sorry. I didn't mean it."
"Its okay." You hug and then Mitch hangs you his phone number. "Its like seeing a ghost." You hear him mumble. You smirk at that.
"Thanks. Mitch. We should probably head out." You tell them.
"But-" you cut her off. "We need to get back home and get something to eat." You tell her. It was past 10 already.
"You guys can eat with us." Mitch says before thinking about it. Scott slaps him upside the head receiving an ouch from Mitch. Guessing that he didn't really mean it you grab you purse and give another smirk.
"Actually that sounds like a good idea. You can stay if you want." Kirstie says. Before you can protest, (fr/n) has already accepted and is thanking them. "I guess that we'll stay then."

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