Getting Ready

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Time skip to Friday morning

You wake up early on friday morning to screaming. You scramble out of bed and run into (fr/n) room to find her jumping on her bed. It was just a false alarm. She's fangirling about the concert. You walk back into your room and decide to sleep for a while longer, but you can't fall asleep again, even though she isn't screaming anymore.
Ugh. You give up and turn on the news. Sunny and 75 today. Wooo. Maybe you should just sleep all day up until the concert. Its not like there was anything to do outside. Trying to fall asleep you just lay in bed thinking about later, until you drift off.

You wake up to (fr/n) shaking you awake.
"It's almost time!!!!" She yells.
"What time is it?" You ask.
"It's 5:00! If we want to get there on time we need to start getting ready." She tells you. Then she run off while saying you should at least try and look your best.
You roll out of bed and head for the laundry room to get the fresh clothes out of the dryer. You grab them, head back to your room, and lay them out on your bed. As you do, you decide to take her advice to look nice and take a shower.
While taking a shower you think about meeting them again. What's going to happen? Will they remember? Or have they forgotten? Still wondering, you hop out and start to blow dry your hair. (Fr/n) had taken you to the salon yesterday to get your hair cut. But you had just gotten a trim.
You wonder if they will notice you. You look a whole lot different now. Your hair is longer and has highlights, you are a little bit taller, your face has changed shape, (along with your body), and you had colored contacts now. Just in case they still recognize you, you decide make a off to the side part in your hair to hide your face.
Running out of the bathroom to check what time it is, you realize that it is 5:30 already. You grab your clothes and run back into the bathroom. Luckily you had practiced lacing the shirt up yourself so you knew how to do it.
Once you're dressed your grab a black purse and the jacket and head towards the living room. (Fr/n) was making you drive so you grab the keys out of your purse and try and find her. Of course she is already ready and sitting, waiting on the couch.
"Thanks." You say. Hoping she doesn't want to see it altogether.
"Come on. Let me see the full effect. Take of the jacket and turn in a circle." She tells you. Groaning you obey.
She gasps when she sees the back of the shirt. You put the jacket back on and head out the door. She runs right after you.
"You can't wear that jacket over something that beautiful!" She yells. You just hop into the car and sit there waiting.
"I can do whatever I want. I might take it of later, just wait." She looks disappointed but she gets in and closes the door. "Got the tickets and the passes?" You ask.
She holds them up and then stuffs them into her purse. Then she pulls out PTX's newest album and looks at you with pleading eyes. You grab the CD and put it in the player while she smiles her head off.
"Will you sing with me? I know you know the parts. Don't pretend you don't." She says before you can protest.
"The usual parts?" You ask. She sings Scott and since your voice is higher you sing Mitch. She nods and turns on Can't Sleep Love. Even though you normally don't smile during their music, you can't help it with her staring at you and you want to be happy for her.
By the time you get there, it's already 6:15, and you have been through the whole CD about 4 times. She directs you to VIP parking and you find a good spot. Before you get out with her, you sit alone in the r and take a deep breathe.
"You can do this. Everything will be fine. You can do this." You tell yourself. Then you get out of the car and look around for (fn/n). Finally you find her.
"You ready?" She asks.
"Yeah. Let's go."

A/N sorry that this chapter was shorter than the others. But I promise that the next will be longer and better. Well, maybe not longer than the normal but at least a little bit better. Please, if you are still following along, comment. I will take any ideas into consideration.


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