17. The Third Generation Samagraha

Start from the beginning

"Great," I said, "I wish our stone could tell us where we can find anything to eat."

He sniggered at my sarcasm.

"So did you understand anything that doctor told us?" he asked.

"Not really," I said, shaking my head, "But I did understand that there is a person named Shashi who is dying for our blood."

"And fire of vengeance?" he asked, "What was that?"

I shook my head again, "No clue."

"Celina told me you were extremely good while training. And now I know why. You trained only for few days and see where you are now. You killed a giant snake."

"We both killed it."

"Something happened to you," he said ignoring me, "Up there, when the snake was wrapped around you? Hayden, what happened?"

I looked at his concerned eyes. He was there with me for the whole night and he deserved to know everything. So I spilled him every detail except the girl I kept seeing, the one seeking for help. I didn't know why but I didn't feel it was the right time to tell anything about her.

"You saw your mother... in its eyes?" he asked aghast.

I nodded sadly.

He sighed and looked away. I was grateful he didn't ask me anything else which I thought he would. He might have already guessed I wouldn't be having any of the answers to his queries.

Next few minutes we spend time in silence and when I thought I was kind of fine, I was up on my feet.

"Are you sure dude?" Tyrell asked, "You don't look any better."

"I am okay. It's better to reach some meaningful place before it gets worse."

We were on our feet again with doctor around our necks. Tyrell suggested me to put off the fire and to walk very slowly without hurting myself more.

It might have taken us more than half an hour but I was glad when we managed to come out of the farm. We looked around only to find out there were few huts before us. Tyrell jumped with excitement. Now we can have something to eat!

"Is that Dr. Krishant Veer?"

I heard a voice from a distance. Suddenly, my visions blurred and shook my head in an attempt to clear it. It was still blurry and only thing I was able to see was a person dressed unlikely, hurrying towards us. I was done. My knees gave up, my stomach hurt me like never before, my eyes sight went soar and before Tyrell could catch me, I fell on ground-unconscious.


I sensed a warm wet towel upon my forehead. A drop of water dribbled down my temple. I struggled to open my eyes since they were still strongly shut. I tried to calm down, regaining what had happened in the past few hours. I remembered fighting the three headed snake and then meeting the real doctor.

"Hayden, can you hear me?"

I could definitely hear Tyrell's voice, but it I was still dizzy. Slowly I opened my eyes and it opened wide when I saw a familiar face wearing an Indian outfit with costly ornaments on.

"Leena!" I gasped and sat straight, "How did you come here?"

"For the last time I seriously want to meet this girl called Leena," she said taking the towel off me.

I glanced around, firstly finding Tyrell sitting next to me looking curiously. Then a boy wearing formals and a rectangular shaped specs walked around and placed his hand on Tyrell's shoulder.

(Book 1) Hayden Mackay & The Forgotten KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now