Chapter 11: A Deal

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We sat down on the side in the living room of Peter's house. It was so quiet and awkward. It feels like I was in a middle of something broken. "So what can I do for you two?" Peter's Father ask. Peter look down and couldn't say anything. It looks like he was scared of his own father. 

"Actually sir Peter and I are here to ask you if you would allow Peter to do the design of the new uniform of the school." I answer for Peter sake. Peter's father look at both of us and then he look at Peter. "Is that true son?" He ask Peter. Peter nod and look down. He couldn't look in his father's eyes. 

His father sigh and look at Peter. "What are you thinking young man. Didn't I told you not to humiliate our family. Why do you want to design your school uniform? What's got in to your head this time?" His father look at him in furious. It looks like his father hated him. Peter stand up and bow. 

"I'm so sorry father it won't happen again. I made a mistake." Peter said then he grab my arm and pull me up. I stand up and Peter's grip on my hand got tight like he was angry. "Lets just go Alex." Peter said. I pull my arm away and said. "Mr. Thomson I know your a very talented person to design clothes, but don't you trust your own son that he can also do it." I said to Peter's father. Then Peter's father sign and look at me in the eye. "Young man you maybe my son's friend, but you don't have the right to talk to me about me and my son's relationship. Has anyone thought you not to butt in at other family's business?!" He shouted at me. But I didn't look away.

I stand up there and I want to prove that my friend Peter has a talent. Pete's father stand up and said. "Fine if you want to design the uniform then do it. But if that uniform was hated or never like by me and the students. Then I will no longer look at you as my son anymore." Peter's father look at both of us like he despise us. "Then we accept your offer sir." I replied. "Good because if he ever humiliate our family again. You will never see him again." Peter's father said. I nod and I look at Peter, but Peter couldn't look at his father. 

"Now please leave my home at once." Peter's father said. So me and Peter exit the house and we went back to our dorm. Peter was still looking down like was was so upset and a shame of himself. He enter his room without saying good bye to me. I just leave him be and I feel bad. Was I wrong to ask for his father for and approval? Was I wrong to butt in that family's problem? What should I do? I hope Peter won't hate me for what I did.

The next day I went to school and Peter didn't show up in school today. I was so worried. Did he run away because he was a shame or did he told his father to back out the design that we ask about. Will he just give up? 

The next day after that Peter still didn't show up in school today again. I feel awful for what I did. Was it all my fault?
After school I sign while I was walking back to dorm.

Then all of a sudden someone jump on me behind my back. "Piggy back ride!!" He shouted and he was really heavy. When I look at his face it was Victor.
I trow him away and he fell on the ground

"What the hell?! Why do you keep doing that? You know I can't carry you." I said to h as my back started to hurt. Then Vincent hit me on the head.
"He just did that to cheer you up. You've been quiet a lot lately." Vincent said to me.

I look down and realize that I made them worry because I was to worry about Peter. Then some one put his arm around my shoulders. I look at the guy and it was Fredrick. "You know Alex were here for you. And no matter what your problem is we'll always help you." He said and he look at me.

I feel really happy that I have friends like them. I'm so glad that I met them all. "Okay guys I'll tell you everything." I said to them.

We went to Vincent's room and I told all of them what really happen and why I was so quiet all the time.
"I see. So that's why Peter hasn't show up in school." Vincent said as he put his hand under his chin.

"Hmmm...maybe you force him to much Alex." Fredrick said to me. I feel like its all my fault. I look down and o was so a shame

"Why would be so worry about him Alex? If he chicken out its not your fault!!" Victor shouted and he hold me on the shoulder and look me in my eyes. "His the one that has a problem not you. Your perfect Alex. Don't ever blame yourself for all of this." Victor said and I felt better. I'm really happy that I have a good friend like Victor.

"Thanks Victor. I'm really thankful that all of you are here to cheer me up and help me." I said to them all and smile. "Wait a minuet. Help you?" Vincent ask. "What do you mean help Alex?" Fredrick said. I smiled widely and said. "You guys are going to help me and Peter to make this model show better than his father. Are you with me!!" I shouted and race my hand up. Victor also race his hand up. "Yeah!!" He shouted. "I feel like a kid. Oh well." Fredrick said and he race his hand as well. 

We all look at Vincent because he wasn't racing his hand. He only crosses his arms. "Oh no I'm not doing this. I'm fine helping, but not doing kids game." He said as he look at us. Then Victor punch him on the shoulder and said. "Come one just this once. Please." Victor said to him. "Yes don't be a kill joy. Do it for Alex and Peter." Fredrick said. Vincent look at me and sigh. "Alright just this once." He also race his hand up. 

I giggle and said. "All for one!!" I shouted. "And one for all!!" Victor and Fredrick added. Vincent sign and smiled  as he look at us having fun like kids.

The next day I exit the dorm and I saw Peter out side waiting for me. He saw me walking out and he walk towards me. "Good morning Alex. How are you?" He said and he rub the back of his head. "Look I'm sorry if I was gone for a long time. I just freak out because I was afraid." Peter said and look at me. I smiled and hit him on the head with my fist. "You silly guy. Its not your fault." I said and chuckle. 

Peter smile as he felt happy to see me smiling. Then out of no were someone punch him. Peter fall on the ground. "Ouch what was the for?!!" Peter shouted. "You better stay away from Alex. He always been down when you were gone. I don't want to see my friend Alex suffer for someone like you. Alex is my friend so don't you dare bother him again." Victor said and he look at Peter in anger. Peter stand up and said. "I wan't doing anything wrong. I was just apologizing to Alex." Peter said to Victor. "Really? you were?" Victor wonder.

Peter sigh and said. "Yes Alex and I are good now. He want to help me so I will let him and do my best as well." Peter added. Victor play with his fingers. "Hehehe I guess I made a mistake hehehe. Sowy." Victor apologize and Peter rub his head messing his hair.

It was really good to see the two of them being friends. "Hey what's going on here?" Vincent said and he was with Fredrick when they exit the dorm. "We just add another member in our team." Victor said an he pull Peter next to him. "Peter is our new member in team Amazon" Victor said and he chuckle. 

"Amazon?!" Vincent shouted at Victor. "Yeah it there a problem with that?" Victor ask to Vincent. "Yes Amazon are warrior woman. We're no woman! We're man not woman!! I'm fine joining but not in a lame name team!" Vincent shouted if furious. But Victor wasn't listening to him. His hand was under his chin and he was thinking and wondering. "I didn't know Amazon are woman warriors..." Victor look up and wonder.

Vincent was angry and he punch Victor on the face. "Idiot! Your not listening to me!!" He shouted and the Victor punch back. But Vincent dodge and the punch hit Fredrick. "What the hell?!" Then Fredrick punch both of them and the three of them rumble and fight. It was pretty funny. Me and Peter laugh as we watch them.

"Hey Alex. Thank you for being my friend." Peter said and he look at me as he smile. I smile back and nod. 

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