Chapter 1: The Engagement

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Have you ever have a feeling that your free from everything time but at the end it turned into destruction?

Well this is my story that made my freedom into a destruction.

I was at school with my friends after school. I was hanging out with them. "So Alex did you ever think about having a boyfriend. I mean a lot of guys likes you. I mean your smart pretty and independent." A friend of mine said. I just chuckle and shook head.

I never even imagine myself having a boyfriend, all I want is to study. "Look guys I know few guys likes me but I have no intention to have a boyfriend. I just want to finish my school first." I said and I was so confident to said it.

Let's just say I hate boys because one time I got broken heart.

After school I head home and I saw my grandfather's car outside of our house. I was so happy because its been 5 years scenes the last time I saw him. I ran inside the house and saw him sitting in our living room. I hug him and I really do miss him a lot.
"Grandfather how are you?" I ask him. He chuckles and smiled to me and said. "I'm doing great. And how about my little granddaughter?" I smiled back to him as I remember when I was a little girl my grandfather carry on his shoulder in our garden.
It always makes me happy seeing my grandfather smile. My mom shouted in the dinning room. "Time for dinner everyone!!" She called and we went to the dinning room to have our dinner.

We eat dinner as my grandfather talk about all of his adventure around the world. He went fishing, go hiking, skiing, and other things. He is a really an adventurous person and it makes me dream that one day I will go around the world like him. I idolize my grandfather for being the best and brave. I always look up to him like his my hero.

After dinner I went to sit in the living room with my grandfather. I just want to hear more of his stories. "So tell me more of your adventures grandpa." I said to him. But then he seems a bit nervous to say something. "Alex there's something I want to tell you and its important. Its kinda hard to say it." My grandfather said and sigh. He hold my hand and said. "Alex you are engage to a grandson of a friend of mine." My eyes were shock and then he bread normally. "Wow that wasn't hard than I expect it would be. Hahaha!!" He laugh like it was just all to easy for him to say it. "Your kidding right?" I ask him. "I mean why would you even engage me to someone I don't know. Hehehe..." I try to laugh like it was a joke, but he look at me in a serious way.
"Its not a joke. This is all real Alex." He said and sigh as he feel bad for what he did. "But can't you just unengaged me?" I said as I stood up for myself. I mean all girls has there own freedom am I right. All girls should choose the man who they like not the parents saying his not good enough to you.
"I can't unengaged you Alex. When I was in high school me and my friend made a bet in a card game. I bet you that if I have a granddaughter I will engage her to his future grandson. And I lost." He said and look down. I was so furious like all of my heroic of him was all gone. Now I hate him so much I don't want to see him.
"I'm sorry Alex you know that I care for you and..." He said and he look at me. When he look at me I was so angry. Then I kick him out of the house. My mother ask me what was going on. Then I told her everything that my grandfather was a big jerk. He is not a hero to me anymore.

The next day I went to my school and I told my friends that I was engage to a boy that I don't even know who he is in lunch time. "Hahaha poor Alex." They just giggle and laugh at me. I don't even understand why and don't evens know why they didn't even try to comfort me. Are they even a real friends to me. "Why are you guys laughing? Its not funny." I said but they just keep laughing. "Were so sorry Alex but this is so amusing. I mean the famous strick president is engage without her will. While you always keep making others do things without there will too. Now your the one who's being command. Hahahah!!" My friend said. I was furious if what she said. "That's it your are not my friend anymore. You don't even understand how I feel." I said to her. And I stand up on chair. "Who said that were friends? You were the reason why my parents spilt me and my boyfriend because you can't keep your mouth shut!! You were just someone I hangout and I want to make you feel how I feel, and know you deserve what's happening to you." She said to me. And share also stand up.
"Then why didn't you fight for your freedom?! If you love the guy so much you should at least fight for it!" I shouted at her. "Why not you fight for your freedom?! You always saying about freedom, but you just keep them doing stuff without there will! Now why can't you fight for your engagement huh?! Your just like all of us but much worst. Your also being doing stuff without your will except your just acting your always perfect. It makes me sick." She said and everyone in the cafeteria look at us. And all of the students there was looking mean at me as like they also thing of what my friend said. I mean she not my friend anymore she's now my enemy.
I couldn't said anything. I don't want my reputation of mine will be destroy. "Then I will stop my engagement then I will prove you wrong that I can be free and so all of you." I said as I was proud to myself. "Fine do it try to prove your mistake. Let's see if you can really escape this mess. Your just acting strong and proud but your just scared and confuse with your life just like us. Am I right everyone!!" She shouted in the cafeteria and all of the students starts shouting as well and saying all mean things to me.
I was humiliated and I walk out of the cafeteria. When I left all of the students cheer like they were so happy that I lost for the first time.

After school I went home and pack my things. My brother saw me packing and ask me. "What cha doing?" Then he chuckle. I ignore him and I just keep packing my clothes and other stuff. Then my brother Zack put my things back where they were. My brother is a caring person. His already graduated and his a pilot. He just visiting us every time his back in the country. He always knows whats right and wrong for me. His always the best, but why now I know his just gonna stop me from doing stupid things. So I just keep packing my thing and he just keep unpacking them. "Zack stop that!! Can't you see I'm busy." I said to him he stop and sat on my bed. "Hey sis what's the problem? Please tell me I really want to help." He said back, I couldn't tell him. I don't want to bother him anymore. I just want him to live his life and let me fix my own problems by myself.

But I couldn't bare it anymore all of things that happen to me. I cry in front of him then he hug me tight. "Shhhh... Don't cry just tell me and I will help you." He said to me. I told my brother everything and he shook his head and he understand how I feel. "I see... so that's what happen." He said. Then he stand up and walk downstairs to talk to grandfather. I didn't here what they were talking about. I went down stairs to see what happen. I was expecting that there was a fight or the kitchen was a mess because my brother was angry or something. But when I enter the kitchen they were drinking coffee together and they were laughing. Then I heard then talking about something. "Hahahaha!! I can't believe you engage her to him. You know that she will get mad. I wonder if she will accept him." Zack said. "Yeah well she will have to choose if she will find the guy am I right. Hahaha!!" Grandfather said and they were happy like my brother was with this plan all along. I was so angry I slam the door open and they saw my eyes bright red.

I exit the kitchen later and they were all left with bumps and bruises, because I let all the anger inside of me out. I went back upstairs to prepare for my things. I went down stairs and my grandfather ask me. "And where do you think your going? Are you running away Alex?" I stop in front of the door and turn around to face him. "I'm going to find my fiance and cancel this mess." I answer. My grandfather sat down and sigh. "If your going to find him try to look for him in this school." He hand me a brochure and I look at it. "What is this?" I ask. "Its where your fiance study. Go to that school and look for him." My grandfather said. I look at him and he was upset. He feel a shame of what he did.

Then he look at me and said. "I know you'll make the right decision." And he smiled to me. I smiled back to him and little by little his starting to become my hero again. "Well if you really can stop this. Hahahaha!!" My grandfather laugh and chuckles like his sure that I'm not going to accomplish this mess. I crumpled the brochure and trow it on his head.

My life is such a mess right now thanks to that old geyser. I will stop this mess and I will take back my reputation as a president back.

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